Robotics: Locomotion Engineering

How do robots climb stairs, traverse shifting sand and navigate through hilly and rocky terrain? This course, part of the Robotics MicroMasters program, will teach you how to think about complex mobility challenges that arise when robots are deployed in unstructured human and natural environments.





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  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 1.5
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    We're going to try to explain how it is that the grand title of Locomotion Engineering for this course gets narrowed down into what the course is really about which is all about legged mobility of a particular kind, of a dynamical kind. How do we do that ? How can we explain that? That's what we're gonna try to do in this segment.
  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 2.1
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    We're going to start at the very beginning of things , namely the Prismatic one degree freedom physics. We'll introduce slightly different terminology and slightly different notation and so it's not a bad thing to review and start you on the escalator from the first step rather than the fifth step.
  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 2.2a
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    We have a scalar 2nd order ordinary differential equation given by this acceleration field. We're going to continue solving for Vector 1st Order.
  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 2.3
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    Energy, which seems like a physical idea, is going to play the role of a geometric norm in much of what's to follow in the course. We'll calculate expressions for the energy, power and Basins Total Energy as the Norm.
  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 3.1
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    We want to remind you of what you learned in, probably, college physics, or what you will learn in college physics, if you haven't taken college physics yet. We discuss an example of a one degree of freedom revolute kinematic chain.
  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 3.2
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    Let's think about the lossless version of the one degree of freedom revolute vector field. We would like to write a vector field, mainly we want to rewrite our 2nd order scalar ODE as a 1st order vector ODE. But this time we're gonna nonlinear vector field.
  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 3.3a
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    It's time to start thinking about qualitative theory. The kind of theory that we're going to use in higher degree of freedom, more interesting robot systems, as the course goes on, where we just don't have any access to closed form solutions. Of course, we'll use the linear examples where we do have closed form solutions, to get the ideas across.
  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 3.3b
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    Let's talk about the stability properties of fixed points of the damped harmonic oscillator. To do that, we need to go back and remind ourselves what the vector field associated with that damped harmonic oscillator really is.
  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 3.4
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    Let's look again at the pendulum that we introduced in the beginning part of this segment. This time we're going to add damping. We've explored the properties of damping in the exercises for the beginning of this unit. Recall that whereas without damping, we had the whatever total energy we started with we continued, the orbits continued on that same total energy shell.
  • Publication
    Robo4x - Video 5.1a
    (2017-10-02) Koditschek, Daniel
    Let's remember what we're trying to do, where we're going. In this segment, we're going to address the problem of nonlinear vector fields generating flows that really we don't have any closed frame solutions to express. And what we're going to do is we're going to look for means of approximating them numerically