A Case Study of The Adaptation of a Team Building Model Using Action Learning
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This capstone examines the adaptation of an existing team building model proposed by Patrick Lencioni (2002) in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. I present a case study of the adaptation of that team building model within the context of a United States Public Health Service (PHS) disaster medical response team, the PHS-2 Rapid Deployment Force (PHS-2 RDF). It provides background on the history of PHS and origins of the part-time, volunteer, disaster medical response teams used by the Department of Health and Human Services. I demonstrate how the lack of a formalized officer and team training program provided the impetus and opportunity for a team to adapt a team building model in real time. The study examines the challenges faced by the team in the model adaptation process. The adaptation process resulted in a customized version of the team building model for ongoing use by the executive staff in carrying out their leadership responsibilities within the team. The team did this as a means to aid in the growth of a team culture. I show how the model can be used in the future.