Subject Matter Expert: Working Toward Ensuring The Value In A Project Organization

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This thesis presents a methodical analysis of what a Subject Matter Expert (SME) is and how the SME can actually work toward adding value to the project organization. This analysis was completed using current literature, including that of the Project Management Institute (PMI), on both the value of SME’s and the analytical tools available to assist the SME and the project organization work toward ensuring value that is measurable, and more importantly, legitimate to the organization. The paper presents a combination of tried and tested tools as well as new approaches to dealing with SME’s in the project organization to ensure that interaction between the SME and project organization show legitimacy in a pragmatic, moral, and cognitive way.

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Submitted to the Program of Organizational Dynamics in the Graduate Division of the School of Arts and Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Organizational Dynamics at the University of Pennsylvania Advisor: Jean-Marc Choukroun
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