Strengths Technology
Degree type
Graduate group
Life Orientations
Positive Psychology Strengths Frameworks
Strengths Based Assessments
Strength development
Character Strengths and Virtues
Strength interventions
Organizational Behavior
Business Administration, Management, and Operations
Human Resources Management
Interpersonal and Small Group Communication
Organizational Behavior and Theory
Organizational Communication
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While the language of positive psychology can be universal, there is a language that organizations gravitate towards and find both engaging and effectual. Organizations speak in terms of behavioral competence when recruiting, assessing performance, measuring results, creating development plans and administering performance appraisals. The current positive psychology canon of self-assessment surveys does not include one that relates to behavioral strengths. We suggest such an assessment, and produce evidence to establish its rightful place. Peterson and Seligman’s Character Strengths and Values (2004) can be operationalized to align with the heuristics of for-profit organizations by connecting the two. We combine positive psychology concepts and scientific research with a proven operational methodology, the Lifo Orientations (Lifo®) Method – to produce Strengths Technology, a more pragmatic strengths-based framework. This proposed framework is comprised of two components, 1) identification of the behaviors that are the expression of VIA Character Strengths and 2) the Strengths Technology Matrix, which outlines 12 strength development strategies. Strengths Technology is a more practical and usable strengths-based framework that will help individuals, teams and organizations discover, capitalize on, and increase their strengths.