Preserving collieries: a form of urban regeneration for mining cities in China

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coal mining heritage
institutional heritage
urban transformation
heritage tourism
heritage corridor
Historic Preservation and Conservation
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Hu, Yiling

Most mining cities in China were formed in the 1950s. Due to resource depletion and the single industrial structure, China's mining cities have been declining since the 1980s, and industrial transformation and urban renewal have become the priority for the development of mining cities. Meanwhile, there exists a vast amount of mining heritage that has not been fully preserved and utilized. This heritage has a unique value for use. Through sufficient preservation and adaptive use, it can enhance the vitality of cities and promote the development of related industries, which is a good opportunity to facilitate urban regeneration and industrial restructuring. Thus, this thesis proposes to study the adaptive reuse of collieries as industrial heritage and to evaluate their potential as a viable form of urban regeneration for mining cities in China. The research includes an overview of coal mining heritage and existing preservation strategies, a study of mining cities in China, and a proposed design guideline of the selected city Jiaozuo as an example. The goal of the thesis to provide strategic guidelines for the future adaptive reuse of collieries to facilitate healthy urban regeneration.

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