Population Aging Research Center
The Population Aging Research Center (PARC) at the University of Pennsylvania was established in 1994 with a P30 grant from the National Institute on Aging (www.nih.gov/nia), which fosters research on the demography and economics of health and aging. PARC research associates come from four schools, 16 academic departments, and three centers/institutes across the university, including Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, Business, Nursing, Medicine, etc. PARC also sponsors an annual pilot proposal competition and a weekly seminar series in conjunction with the Population Studies Center.
The overall research themes of PARC reflect the interests and expertise of our research associates and include health at older ages, including biodemography; health and economics of pensions and retirement and health care systems; aging families and households, intergenerational relations, and resource transfers across multiple generations; and diversity of aging populations.