Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation

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About Think Tanks: The Mission and Impact of the World's Leading Think Tanks
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think tanks
public policy
best practices
Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration
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Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation

The Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation is the source of prompt expert views on a wide range of socio-economic development issues of the country. The efforts of the Analytical Center are concentrated on providing operational, informational and analytical support; expert support of government's decisions on major issues of socio-economic development in the areas of finance, transport, industry, utilities, natural resources, environmental protection, education, health, innovation, information technologies, etc. Particular attention is paid to energy, fiscal policy, agriculture and strategic planning, in which the Analytical Center has established itself as a center of expertise. The Analytical Center was established in December 2005 and became the successor of the Working Center for Economic Reforms at the Government of the Russian Federation and the Center for Economic Forecasting at the Government of the Russian Federation. These centers were established in the early 1990s to replace the main computer center of the USSR State Planning Committee, which existed from 1959 to 1991. The new structure was given the task of making recommendations and proposals on priority issues of economic policy and economic reforms, information-analytical support of the government, examination of concepts and programs for socio-economic development of the country, and short-term forecasting. In accordance with these tasks, the Analytical Center has monitored the implementation of the guidelines and projects of the Government Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on modernization and technological development of the Russian economy since 2008. The center monitors, collects and makes comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic development of the country, with the use of its own information and analytical tools. The center carries out long-term strategic forecasting and analyzes the possible effects of development projects and programs on the development of the country, including the use of international experience.

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About Think Tanks: The Mission and Impact of the World's Leading Think Tanks
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