Jones, Timothy S

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  • Publication
    Microwave Impedance Microscopy Of Nanostructured Carbon
    (2016-01-01) Jones, Timothy Scott
    Microwave impedance microscopy (MIM) is a scanning probe technique that measures local changes in tip-sample admittance. The imaginary part of the reported change is calibrated with finite element simulations and physical measurements of a standard capacitive sample, and thereafter the output ∆Y is given a reference value in siemens. Simulations also provide a means of extracting sample conductivity and permittivity from admittance, a procedure verified by comparing the estimated permittivity of polytetrafluoroethlyene (PTFE) to the accepted value. Finally, the well-known effective medium approximation of Bruggeman is considered as a means of estimating the volume fractions of the constituents in inhomogeneous two-phase systems. Specifically, we consider the estimation of porosity in nanostructured carbons often used in charge storage devices, such as carbide derived carbon (CDC) and onion-like carbon (OLC).
  • Publication
    DNA-Decorated Carbon Nanotubes as Sensitive Layer for AlN Contour-Mode Resonant-MEMS Gravimetric Sensor
    (2009-01-25) Zuniga, Chiara; Rinaldi, Matteo; Khamis, Samuel M; Jones, Timothy S; Johnson, A T; Piazza, Gianluca
    In this work a nano-enabled gravimetric chemical sensor prototype based on single-stranded DNA (ss-DNA) decorated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) as nano-functionalization layer for Aluminun Nitride (AIN) contour-mode resonant-MEMS gravimetric sensors has been demonstrated. Two resonators fabricated on the same silicon chip and operating at different resonance frequencies, 287 and 450 MHz, were functionalized with this novel bio-coating layer to experimentally prove the capability of two distinct single strands of DNA bound to SWNT to enhance differently the adsorption of volatile organic compounds such as dinitroluene (DNT, simulant for explosive vapor) and dymethyl-methylphosphonate (DMMP, a simulant for nerve agent sarin). The introduction of this bio-coating layer addresses the major drawbacks of recovery time (50% recovery in less than 29 seconds has been achieved) and lack of selectivity associated with gas sensor based on polymers and pristine carbon nanotube functionalization layers.
  • Publication
    Body-Biased Complementary Logic Implemented Using AIN Piezoelectric MEMS Switches
    (2009-01-01) Sinha, Nipun; Jones, Timothy S.; Guo, Zhijun; Piazza, Gianluca
    This paper reports on the first implementation of low voltage complementary logic (< 1.5 V) by using body-biased aluminum nitride (AlN) piezoelectric MEMS switches. For the first time, by using opposite body biases the same mechanical switch has been made to operate as both an ntype and p-type (complementary) device. Body-biasing also gives the ability to precisely tune the threshold voltage of a switch. The AlN MEMS switches have shown extremely small subthreshold slopes and threshold voltages as low as 0.8 mV/dec and 30 mV, respectively. Furthermore, this work presents a fully mechanical body-biased inverter formed by two AlN MEMS switches operating at 100 Hz with a ± 1.5 V voltage swing.