Bachrach, Tracey

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  • Publication
    Cultivating Resilience: A Plan to Build Resilience in a Low-Income, American Public School
    (2018-04-30) Biggins, Yvonne; Bachrach, Tracey; Irani, Anna; Valera, Lorena
    This paper describes both the theoretical underpinnings and an action plan for building resilience as requested by teachers in a diverse, low-income public high school in Patterson, New Jersey, United States. The authors define and describe widely agreed upon protective factors of resilience, and further operationalize the components into a set of activities for both teachers and students to engage toward increasing resilience. A three-stage learning process is presented for teachers to learn and embed the constructs in their own lives, as well as share with the students. A detailed “learning journey” is appended to describe in detail the specific evidence-based activities intended to target a critical subset of three protective factors: connection, optimism, and self-efficacy. A measurement plan is also provided to assess growth in both students and faculty.
  • Publication
    Posttraumatic Growth and Residential Therapy: Cultivating Environments that Support and Facilitate Posttraumatic Growth and Positive Well-being.
    (2018-01-01) Bachrach, Tracey
    Residential therapy is intended for those needing mental health crisis intervention. The well-being of these people cannot be overlooked and should take an active role in the treatment process, especially for those struggling with the symptomology of posttraumatic stress. By utilizing both positive psychology and posttraumatic growth theory and practice, participants in residential therapy may strengthen personal well-being thus encouraging the posttraumatic growth process. Focusing on positive affect, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement can stimulate and support posttraumatic growth in an intentional setting such as residential therapy. This will shift treatment goals and outcomes away from deficit diagnosis and recovery and, instead, prioritize healthy well-being practices, strength development, and encourage growth opportunities.