Subramanian, Amrita V

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  • Publication
    A Model of Congruency, A Personal Coaching Philosophy
    (2015-04-17) Subramanian, Amrita V
    Consciousness gifted us a singular conundrum - One must think! Spectacularly, Nature receded from unconscious control, and let man be. The quest ever since has been that of reason and raison d'être! Muse we shall just for an ephemeral moment: Of many myths and legacies of human thought, the Hellenic era is usually credited for rationality; Socrates, Plato and Aristotle formed the bedrock of suppositions that continued to pique the curiosity of Homo sapiens. Greeks, as a civilization, delivered us from superstition to observation, from unknown, we began to explore the known realms of the environment by experiments, drafted laws...created reality and its understanding(s). This was new to man. Thinking, and thinking about thinking.
  • Publication
    An Independent Study, 360 Experience - Learning the Client's Way of Knowing
    (2015-12-01) Subramanian, Amrita V
    The vista of my story spans a few months. A time which seems short by comparison to some tales one may read. This one is intensely personal while being centered on my client. It’s not so much that I facilitated change, as I learned about helping another human being who wanted to change. Somewhere in you and me, there is a deep instinctive desire to alter reality, especially if it’s a straitjacket or has many layers of restrictions, cramping our existence. It may be perceived as being ‘stuck’ and that we know happens slowly. Yes, over years, with an imperceptible hardening around the edges as you travel time, as you age, as you try to fit into an image of who you should be.
  • Publication
    A Golden Ratio-My Life & Systems Thinking, A Soliloquy
    (2015-04-01) Subramanian, Amrita V