Using the Individual Development Plan as a Vehicle for Coaching and Communication
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This capstone explores the underutilization of the Individual Development Plan (IDP) as a vehicle for communication and coaching at all organizational levels throughout the United States Coast Guard (USCG). The capstone will gather data through informal interviews using basic line questioning; exploring the IDP in the USCG, when and why it was developed, how it was designed to be used and how it is currently used. While many interviewees feel the IDP is in fact a useful tool, many Guardians (Coast Guard personnel) feel the IDP is not used appropriately and that supervisors and subordinates are neither adequately trained on how to use the tool properly, nor on how to effectively use the IDP as a coaching tool. The capstone looks critically at the IDP and recommends how training in the use and application of the IDP through the development of communication and coaching skills enhances the value and application of the IDP for all ranks within the USCG.