Arboriculture Education: Extending 5 Seconds of Curiosity to 5 Minutes of Discovery

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Thompson-Nowak, Bryan

The practice of modern arboriculture is fascinating to some and strikes fear into the hearts of others. Properly caring for trees is both physically and intellectually challenging. The Morris Arboretum has a unique role as both a public garden and a leader of environmental education. For those that are curious about arboriculture the chances to be curious and ask questions are quite limited. Here at the Arboretum we have the unique opportunity to work in the garden while visitors are in attendance. Visitors that understand the Arboretum’s role in education readily ask questions and watch the arborists at work. The problem that presents itself is the inability of the arborist(s) to respond to the many inquiries while work is being done. These lost opportunities are the focus of this project. A two sided 2 x 3 feet sandwich board was designed to answer the most basic questions visitors ask. How does an arborist climb a tree? What are the arborists doing in the tree? What type of tree is it? And what type of work are you doing now? These questions are answered in an effort to capitalize on the visitor’s curiosity about arboriculture and tree care and give them a spring board for further discovery. The sign is portable, easily set up and informative.

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An independent study project report by The Walter W. Root Memorial Endowed Arborist Intern (2010-2011)
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