Haudenosaunee Economic and Social Connections, 1695-1726

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Penn collection
The Magazine of Early American Datasets (MEAD)
fur trade
social network
American Studies
Digital Humanities
History of Gender
Indigenous Studies
Native American Studies
Women's History
Albany, New York
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Scholarly Commons, University of Pennsylvania Libraries
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Maeve Kane, “For Wagrassero’s Son: Colonialism and the Structure of Indigenous Women's Social Connections, 1690-1730.” The Journal of Early American History 7, no. 2 (Fall 2017): 89-114. https://doi.org/10.1163/18770703-00702002 /n Maeve Kane, Annotated reprint, “For Wagrassero’s Son: Colonialism and the Structure of Indigenous Women's Social Connections, 1690-1730.” Models of Argument-Driven Digital History, special forum for The Journal of Social History. Edited by Lincoln Mullen and Stephen Robertson. Summer 2021. https://doi.org/10.31835/ma.2021.10 n/ Maeve Kane, Shirts Powdered Red: Haudenosauneed Gender, Trade, and Exchange Across Three Centuries. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2022.

This dataset is a cleaned version of the account book of fur trader Evert Wendell in Albany, NY, transcribed from the original held by the New-York Historical Society. The account book is also available transcribed and translated in a published edition edited by Kees-Jan Waterman and Gunther Michelson. This dataset documents the social connections between 102 Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) and Mahican people between 1695 and 1726, and has been prepared for network analysis by regularizing the spelling of names and using information from the published version of the account book to match individuals who appear under differently spelled names where possible. Source/Target pairs for network analysis were created for individuals with documented interactions with one another, such as people who bought gifts for another person, people who vouched for the credit of another person, or people who traveled together. The network is assumed to be undirected. Date information for edge creation is not included in the dataset but is available in the published version of the account book. Individuals are identified by gender and nation where possible. Individuals in the edge sheet are identified by ID number listed in the nodes sheet.

This dataset is a part of the Magazine of American Datasets (MEAD). To view more of the collection, visit https://repository.upenn.edu/exhibits/orgunit/mead.

Date Range for Data Collection (Start Date)
Date Range for Data Collection (End Date)
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This dataset was created as part of the research for my article "For Wagrassero's Son," in the Journal of Early American History. I have taken care to minimize mistakes and err on the side of caution in identifying individuals who appear in the dataset under multiple name spellings as the same individual, but I cannot guarantee it is free from human error. In assigning gender to individuals within the network, I have drawn on my own experience as a researcher and documentary evidence where available. The dataset is offered "as is," and researchers are encouraged to consult the original records in the event of uncertainty. If you have feedback, notice errors in the data, or have further questions, please contact me at mkane2@albany.edu.
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