Integrating Evidence-Based Knowledge in a Positive Parenting Certificate: A New Model for Empowering Parents and Helping Families Thrive

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Graduate group
positive parenting
parents' well-being
parents' empowerment
thriving families
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Valera Alcala, Lorena

The transition to parenthood is one of the most challenging times in a person’s life. Parents face new challenges along each of the developmental stages their children grow into. Moreover, trying to parent “the right way” can be a titanic and overwhelming task. Finding trusted sources of information is not an easy undertaking, therefore, a rigorous Positive Parenting Certificate is proposed. The objective of this certificate is to share evidence-based knowledge; theory, research and positive interventions from the fields of positive psychology, parenting, child development and neuroscience. The aim of the certificate is to help parents feel more empowered, increasing their self-efficacy, giving them more skills and increasing their well-being. Empowered parents can then create healthy environments for their children and families to thrive. By studying the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of parents, children and families, parents will find out what makes life most worth living for their family, for themselves and for their children. After taking the certificate, families will be equipped to face the ups and downs of everyday life with more skills and confidence, more love, gratitude, compassion, serenity and enjoyment than before.

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