Heart Start: A paradigm shift in early childhood education
Degree type
Graduate group
character strengths in young children
heart strengths
teaching character
character development
head start
engaging environment
early childhood development
brain development
preschool education
Child Psychology
Developmental Psychology
School Psychology
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Children are born in potential as strong and powerful human beings. Their strengths and gifts of character are nurtured by the environment in which they are raised and the caring adults who surround them in their early years. Research demonstrates that the cornerstones of child well-being are positive relationships, nurturing environments, and the image of the child as a capable citizen, thus leading to flourishing adults and communities. However, these relationships and environments need not be limited to the home, but rather should include schools, neighborhoods and organizations where children and parents participate and contribute to building social capital within a community. Statistics indicate that states with higher scores on the Social Capital Index are the same states whose children are flourishing. Therefore, the current research implies that quality early childhood development should inclusively: 1) build on positive relationships 2) incorporate environments that cultivate the strengths of the heart 3) recognize the strengths of children from the moment they are born. By doing so, early childhood development in America will be not only be giving our youngest citizens a head start, but also a heart start.