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  • Publication
    Labaya of Shechem and the Politics of the Amarna Age
    (1974-03-18) Kufeldt, George
    The Amarna Letters have been the object of many studies since their accidental discovery in 1887 at El-Amarna in Middle Egypt. Beginning with text copies and collations such as those by H. Winckler and L. Abel in 1889-90,1 C. Bezold and E. A. W. Budge in 1892,2 and Otto Schroeder in 1914-15,3 it was not long until what has come to be the definitive edition of these texts was published by J. A. Knudtzon in 1915.4 Since that time, another seven important tablets which were part of the original find at El-Amarna have been published by F. Thureau-Dangin and G. Dossin.5 The site yielded some dozen or so more tablets and fragments in the course of later excavations by German and British archaeologists.6 Similar documents have been added to the total Amarna corpus by discoveries at various locations in Palestine, including Tell el-Hesi, Taanach, Gezer, Shechem,7 Jericho,8 Megiddo,9 and Hazor.10
  • Publication
    Semitic Phonemes with Special Reference to the Ugaritic and in the Light of the Egyptian Evidence
    (1949-05-11) LaSor, William S
    Our task is to study the phonemes of the Semitic language, including, so far as is reasonably certain, the Egyptian language, and paying particular attention to new evidence made available by the discovery of Ugaritic. This task will require dealing with descriptive phonemics, which is the analysis of the phonetic nature of each phoneme in each stage of development in the several languages.
  • Publication
    Aramaic and Mandean Magic and Their Demonology
    (1956-04-19) Wallis, Wilber B
    The Aramaic texts to be discussed in this thesis are magical incantations against evil powers. The texts are written on earthenware bowls found in archaeological investigations or by chance in Iraq and Iran. The bowls and texts appear to date from Sassanian Babylonia(1
  • Publication
    Parallelism in the Hodayot from Qumran
    (1991-11-19) Williams, Gary R
    The dissertation aims to analyze parallelism in the Hodayot from Qumran and to compare it with parallelism in early biblical poetry, Isaiah 1-18, and Isaiah 40-45. Particular attention is given to basic units of composition (couplets, triplets, quatrains, etc.), grammatical parallelism, semantic parallelism, and the relationship between these last two. A topic of secondary importance is the length of poetic lines. After a few paragraphs on the purpose, importance, and overview of the dissertation, the first chapter reviews recent research on the central issues to be dealt with in the study, and then explains the method and terminology to be used in the analysis of parallelism. Chapter II analyzes 266 basic units from the Hodayot, consisting of 647 poetic lines. The third chapter is a statistical summary of the results obtained in Chapter II concerning kinds of basic units, line length, degree of semantic parallelism between the lines, degree of congruence between grammatical and semantic parallelism, grammatical rewrites, internal parallelism, ellipsis and compensation, repetition, parallel unit set structures, and categories of semantic parallelism. The fourth and final chapter compares the statistics from the Hodayot with those from similar studies in early biblical poetry, Isaiah 1-18, and Isaiah 40-45. Enough similarities are found among the four corpora to show that they all belong to the same basic prosodic tradition. Among the differences that distinguish the Hodayot from the biblical corpora are the following: larger ratio of triplets to couplets, more strophes of more than four parallel lines, fewer lines of three grammatical units, more lines of more than four grammatical units, more triplets with a 2:2:2 grammatical unit count, a greater variety of grammatical unit counts, less repetition in consecutive lines, more parallelism of grammatically divisible semantic compounds, less surface level grammatical parallelism, more semantic parallelism and deep level grammatical parallelism between verbal clauses and infinitive phrases, and less parallelism between single words (as opposed to phrases and clauses).
  • Publication
  • Publication
    An Anonymous Karaite Commentary of the Fourteenth Century on the Book of Deuteronomy: Comments on Chapter Thirty-Two Edited from a Manuscript in the Sulzberger Collection of the Jewish Theological Seminary Library with Translation and Introduction
    (1948-05-06) Tichenor, Alan
    The advent of the First Crusade (1099)1 conveniently marks the exhaustion of the stream of Karaite literary effort which had flowed forth for a considerable period. The flourishing age of the tenth and eleventh centuries had witnessed a brilliant succession of grammarians, lexicographers, exegetes, legal authorities and apologists,2 who had graced the Karaite camp in the drawn battle with Rabbinism. Especially influential in this verbal warfare was the school at Jerusalem associated with the name of Abu Ya'qub Joseph ben Nuh3 and carried on by his students, Abu'l-Faraj Harun, the famous "grammarian of Jerusalem", and Abu Ya'qub al-Basir, the philosophical genius of the Karaites. The pupil of al-Basir, Abu'l-Faraj Furqan Ibn Assd (Jeshua ben Judah), succeeded his teacher as the attraction of this intellectual center and influenced Jewish thought as far away as Spain.4
  • Publication
    Naphtali Herz Wessely: A Study of the Education and Poet
    (1944-04-26) Ozer, Charles L
    In order to achieve a proper perspective of the life and activities of Naphtali Herz Wessely, we need as a background the ideals and influences of the German or Berlin Haskalah. To describe, however, this German or Berlin Haskalah, which is the first period of the general Haskalah Movement, and to evaluate its activities and influences are not within the scope of this dissertation, for that is a subject which contains material for many dissertations. Nevertheless, some brief sketch of the period and its antecedents may prove of value here.
  • Publication
    The Jews of Iraq since 1932
    (1963) Rijwan, Gershon
    The Jewish community of Iraq is of great antiquity; it is one of the oldest organized communities of Jews in a foreign land, going back over a period of 2500 years. The greater part of Jews were uprooted and exiled into Babylonia, at the time of the destruction of the first temple of Jerusalem, when the unfortunate exiles, sighing under the rod of Nebuchadnezzar's soldiers and taskmasters, stopped in this place, hung their harps on the willows of the brook, and wept bitterly at the remembrance of Zion.
  • Publication
    Parallelism in the Poetry of Isaiah 1-18
    (1986-11-04) Worgul, John E
    The purpose of this dissertation is to describe and analyze the parallelism of Isaiah 1-18. This will be done by isolating parallel structures used by the prophet in creating his prophetic messages. The nature of the present work is, then, methodological and descriptive.
  • Publication
    Rabbi Mordecai ben Hillel and His Work: A Study of Jewish Life in Medieval Germany
    (1953-04-15) Schwarzfuchs, Simon
    During the 13th century, one of R. Meir of Rotenburg's disciples, Mordecai ben Hillel, in his famous work, the book of Mordecai, combines to a considerable extent these two tendencies. Mordecai was not given to deciding halakhic problems. His aim was to present, in an objective compilation, the halakhic material - Responsa and commentaries - which had reached him. An encyclopedic mind, he gathered from every camp, including hundreds of responsa, and citing over three hundred different authorities. An honest scholar, he was very careful to quote his sources by name. Therefore a historical reconstruction based on his book and confronted with the numerous responsa of his teacher, R. Meir, appears possible.