Technical Job Placement Success of Coding Bootcamps
Degree type
Graduate group
technical role
job placement
Adult and Continuing Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
Management Information Systems
Online and Distance Education
Technology and Innovation
Vocational Education
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Studies have addressed the inconsistencies and uncertainty of coding bootcamps despite the recent sensationalization of bootcamps as an opportunity to close the wage gaps. While high variability based on intensity, duration, and delivery exist, many of these bootcamps advertise high job placement rates and guarantee technical competency upon graduation. This study evaluates technical job placement rates for recent coding bootcamp graduates using public LinkedIn profiles, accounting for any technical experience prior to the bootcamp such as a technical undergraduate degree or previous employment. Through regression analysis and propensity-score matching, the study finds that while prior technical experience is the strongest predictor of technical employment, the lack of a technical background will not penalize a bootcamp graduate from landing a technical role in the future. The research shows that bootcamp attendees were not penalized for a non-technical undergraduate degree and that the bootcamp significantly positively increased their chances of success to obtain a future technical role. Furthermore, attending a bootcamp was shown to be unhelpful for participants who already had a technical undergraduate degree. Finally, the research suggests avenues for further exploration with regards to how levels of education (i.e. undergraduate, graduate, and/or bootcamp) impact recruiting for graduates.