A Design Feasibility Study for the Preservation of the Main Cabin at the Bar BC Dude Ranch, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
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Graduate group
historic interpretation
Historic Preservation and Conservation
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This is the fifth in a series of theses and an independent study engendered from a collaboration between the Bar BC Dude Ranch, Grand Teton National Park, and the University of Pennsylvania, together with another thesis generated from the Park’s collaboration with the University of Oregon. Previous works considered the planning and management of the Ranch’s historical assets, structural integrity of the log cabins, and plausibility of the reimplementation of sod (green) roofs. Following these works, this thesis brings together the aforementioned directives to frame a feasibility study for the reuse of the Bar BC’s Main Cabin. The Ranch, now abandoned, needs to be appointed a new use as concurred by the National Park. The goal of this thesis is to set in motion these desires by finding a catalyst. By compiling previous and current management directives and structural studies, with the condition assessment and climate study completed by this thesis, these inform the possibilities of reuse for the Main Cabin. In this case, preservation goes beyond mere stabilization of the structure, to the safe keeping of it for generations to come. This is made possible by the removal and replacement of deteriorated wood that is not healthy; by the replacement of the sod roof over the original portion of the Main Cabin and expansion in scope over the entirety of the structure; by the protection afforded the structure with the covering of the vulnerable portions; and by the interpretation of the building along with the site, which gives it a use. Working together, these implements of preservation, interpretation, and protection embody the significance and integrity of the Main Cabin at Bar BC Dude Ranch for its furtherance.