Point Detection of Pathogens in Oral Samples
Penn collection
Degree type
particle technology
up-converting phosphor technology (UPT)
point-of-care diagnostics
lateral flow
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We have outlined our progress with respect to developing a novel device for monitoring oral samples for bacterial and/or viral pathogens. The system is based on an existing device for measuring drugs of abuse in an oral sample. The sample is collected on an absorbent pad that delivers a metered dose to the cassette. The sample is then separated into 4 channels for the detection of antigen, RNA or DNA, and host antibodies to the pathogen. The detection system involves the Upconverting Phosphor Technology (UPT), whereby the captured pathogen analyte is detected by interrogation of the UPT particles with near-infrared light, and the emitted visible light is detected by the analyzer. Several of the steps in this process have already been worked out for viral and/or bacterial pathogens, and most of the remaining effort will be aimed at integrating these steps into a single microfluidic device while maintaining the current sensitivity.