The United Nations Scholars' Workstation at Yale University

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This chapter describes the creative and technical processes that led to the realization of a rich and dynamic academic tool, offering a guided tour through the development, funding, design, content, and use of a World Wide Web (WWW) site devoted to the United Nations (UN) system. Launched on the Internet as a WWW site in May 1995, the United Nations Scholars' Workstation at Yale University provides electronic access to information in three areas: Yale's academic program in United Nations Studies and the Independent Working Group on the Future of the United Nations, headquartered at Yale; descriptions of the Yale Library's UN depository collections, reference tools, and numeric data; and other Internet sites created mainly by UN agencies. Designed to meet primarily the needs of students, faculty, and researchers, the Scholars' Workstation attempts to bring together in one convenient site the texts, documents, finding aids, maps, and data sets most useful to scholars pursuing the study of the UN system. It aims to serve as an electronic table of contents and index to major resources by and about the UN through an organizational structure that encourages browsing by topic but also offers searching by key word.

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Copyright © 1997 Libraries Unlimited, Inc. Reproduced with permission of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., Westport, CT. Reprinted from International Information: Documents Publications, and Electronic Information of International Governmental Organizations, Second Edition, edited by Peter I. Hajnal (Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1997), pages 291-317. NOTE: At the time of publication, the author Martha L. Brogan was affiliated with Yale University. Currently June 2007, she is the Associate University Librarian for Collection Development and Management at the University of Pennsylvania.
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