Undergraduate Humanities Forum
Penn undergraduate students participate in the Wolf Humanities Center (formerly the Penn Humanities Forum) through an annual research fellowship program. Approximately twelve Wolf Undergraduate Research Fellowships are awarded competitively each year to promote excellence in undergraduate research in the humanities and to cultivate the importance of humanistic thought across disciplines and schools at Penn.
candidates should be conducting work related to the Wolf Center's theme for the year in which the award is granted. Calls for applications are solicited in late Fall of the year preceding the fellowship.
All Undergraduate Humanities Forum papers posted in ScholarlyCommons are under copyright of the individual authors. ScholarlyCommons is a repository of scholarly output of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. The content of each collection is determined by the sponsoring research unit (i.e., department, center, laboratory, institute, etc.). Any content is appropriate if all applicable policies are followed (e.g., copyright), it is technically feasible (the content can be posted using existing format types, etc.), and the sponsoring unit decides it is appropriate.