Global Health Programs
The Center for Global Health began as the Global Health Programs Office (GHP) at PennMed, and was launched by the School of Medicine in 2004 in response to requests from Penn's medical students who had formed a global health interest group. Since its initiation, the Center has grown in a stepwise fashion, with the participation of programs and faculty from many departments. For convenience, global health activities may be divided into three major rubrics: (i) Education and Training; (ii) Research; (iii) Service and Clinical Programs.
CGH coordinates global activities of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and supports the international aspects of our research, educational, and service programs. Our activities include: (i) placement of Penn medical students in international rotations, and hosting of international medical students at Penn; (ii) facilitation of international research initiatives and sponsored programs undertaken by faculty of the School of Medicine; (iii) coordination of global activities with other schools of the University, and the Office of the Provost; (iv) provision of information for faculty, students, and administration; and (vi) representation of the School of Medicine in interactions with international institutions.