Revisiting the Past Treatments and Condition Assessment of the Painted Sanctuary at Tumacacori
Degree type
Graduate group
wall painting
condition assessment
microscopy analysis
Ultraviolet light examination
Historic Preservation and Conservation
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This thesis focuses on the painted walls in the Sanctuary of the Mission Church of San Jose de Tumacacori, which has been managed by the National Park Service since 1918 and has been treated several times in the past years. The treatments from different periods overlaid on the surface of the Sanctuary offer interesting evidence of different types of conservation treatments conducted on in situ murals and decorative paintings over the past century. However, these treatments have never been closely examined nor distinguished as individual campaigns of treatment. This thesis intends to differentiate and analyze the treatments and materials applied to the surfaces of the Sanctuary with the help of ultraviolet light examination and microscopical analysis. In the meantime, the current conditions of the painted surfaces will be recorded. An effort will be made to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments. Finally, based on the findings of the thesis, it will try to provide recommendations for future interventions for the painted Sanctuary of Tumacacori.