A Framework for Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment of the Rubble Masonry at Tuzigoot National Monument
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Graduate group
rapid assessment survey
conditions assessment
Historic Preservation and Conservation
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Located on the summit of a sandstone and limestone ridge overlooking the Verde River in Clarkdale, Arizona lies a cluster of two to three story masonry Native American ruins known as Tuzigoot National Monument. This thesis focused on Group III, which contains the first pueblo rooms built on the site, still containing historical stabilization material. Despite partial collapse, burial and excavation, these walls have endured. Since excavation in 1933, Tuzigoot has been continuously stabilized reflecting changing attitudes in materials and methods. In light of past and current preservation management, this thesis studied the construction and performance of the rubble wall masonry at Tuzigoot National Monument in order to develop a risk and vulnerability analysis of the walls. It resulted in the development of a Historic Preservation Guide that included a phased methodology consisting of a comprehensive development and preservation history, the development of a rapid assessment survey to identify wall vulnerability and priority, and a detailed comprehensive condition assessment for the most at-risk walls to identify monitoring and/or remedial interventions.