You Are Important, We Need You to Thrive: Exploring Thriving & Well-being in Black Women Lawyers

Penn collection
School of Arts & Sciences::Positive Psychology Center::Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) Capstones
Degree type
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Organizational Behavior and Theory
African Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Black women, lawyers, thriving, well-being, obstacles, facilitators, women lawyers, law, law firm, legal profession, positive psychology, thrive, African American women
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Bolaji, Jacquesline

While the legal profession has the capacity to provide meaningful and engaging work that enables lawyers to thrive, it often falls short of this promise, particularly for Black women lawyers in U.S. law firms. Research indicates that Black women lawyers face numerous barriers to well-being and achieving their potential as valued members of law firms, yet guidance for improvement is limited, often focusing on "women of color" rather than their specific needs. Additionally, positive psychology literature has been criticized for its cultural-blindness and excessive focus on the individual, making it poorly suited to understanding their experiences, which are shaped by culture and systemic barriers. This literature review examines the obstacles and facilitators impacting the thriving of Black women lawyers. It explores the intersection of race, gender, and profession, highlighting systemic barriers, microaggressions, imposter phenomenon, and limited access to professional resources. The review also identifies facilitators that contribute to thriving, including resilience, high-quality connections, psychological safety, racial identity formation, and culturally responsive support systems. By synthesizing existing research, this paper emphasizes the importance of developing inclusive legal environments that acknowledge and address the unique challenges faced by Black women lawyers. This paper will conclude with a discussion that elaborates on its theoretical and practical implications, specifically for positive psychology, and outlines my plan for future work to further develop the science needed to guide strategies to improve Black women lawyers’ thriving in U.S. law firms.

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