The Morris Arboretum Quercus Collection: Unearthing the Michaux Quercetum
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The genus Quercus (oaks), considered by some the most important hardwood genus, plays a significant role in the Morris Arboretum living collection. A recognized NAPCC joint collection (North American Plant Collections Consortium), the strength of the oak collection lies in its great age and species diversity. The Michaux Quercetum is a distinct collection of oaks within the greater Quercus collection, resulting from a large-scale collection of North American oaks in the 1950s. Review of the species diversity, richness, and age structure of the oak collection brings to light a few simple recommendations for the maintenance and enhancement of the nationally recognized collection. The proper maintenance of unique collections projects such as the Michaux Quercetum, combined with oak collection locally and abroad and an increased planting of native oaks, will ensure the high quality of the oak collection at Morris Arboretum in the future.