The Recent Development of Social Entrepreneurship in China
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Social Impact
Social Innovation
Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics
Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
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The topic examined is the recent development of social entrepreneurship in China, focused on the community of social entrepreneurs and the business environment. The main methodology of data collection was qualitative interviews with entrepreneurs, educators and representatives of organizations and foundations. In addition, a literature review was conducted to provide background information and a macro perspective to the question. To complement the qualitative data, field observations of a few social enterprises were also conducted. Based on the collective information, it can be observed that the interviewees’ perspectives varied widely regarding the extent to whether there is a receptive environment and supportive community that promote the rise of social enterprises. There were common themes across the diverse experiences, revealing that social entrepreneurship in China enjoys of the Chinese economy's development and potential, yet faces a legislative challenge, historical distrust and distinct sub-communities of social entrepreneurs.