Until All Of Us Are Home: The Process of Leadership at Project H.O.M.E.
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"None of us are home until all of us are home." This is the motto of the not-for-profit organization Project H.O.M.E. (Housing, Opportunities for Employment, Medical Care, Education). These words, expressing the organization's commitment to solidarity in struggle, are permanently inscribed in a beautiful stone mosaic just inside the golden doors at the entrance of 1515 Fairmount, one of Project H.O.M.E.'s eleven residential facilities for formerly homeless men and women and the site of the outreach program and many of the administrative offices. Their motto is emblazoned on a banner raised high between the outstretched arms of a man and woman who stand before the golden doors of 1515 Fairmount. Above them is the skyline of Philadelphia, and below are listed the names of the many organizations - legal and governmental largely - that helped Project H.O.M.E. win its NIMBY ("Not in My Backyard") legal battle against neighborhood and city opposition to the opening of a residence for the formally homeless at 1515 Fairmount. "In gratitude to the efforts of these people," read the words at the bottom of the long list of law firms, businesses, and government officials, including "The Honorable Henry Cisneros, Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development."