Henderson, Cassandra

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  • Publication
    Using Integrated Data to Understand Early Childhood Risks and Access to Quality Early Childhood Education
    (2017-04-01) Barghaus, Katherine; Fantuzzo, John; Coe, Kristen; Henderson, Cassandra; LeBoeuf, Whitney
    These slides were presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Antonio, Texas. The session was titled "Data-Driven Decision Making: Not the Usual Contexts."
  • Publication
    The Use of Integrated Data to Inform Quality Pre-K Expansion in Philadelphia
    (Penn Child Research Center, 2017-04-01) Barghaus, Katherine; Henderson, Cassandra; Coe, Kristen; LeBoeuf, Whitney; Fantuzzo, John; Moore, James
    This research brief describes how integrated administrative data from the City of Philadelphia's CARES data system were used to inform the expansion of pre-k services in the City of Philadelphia. It provides a model for other states and municipalities seeking to use integrated data to inform policy-making, particularly for young children and their families.
  • Publication
    Problems in Classroom Engagement: Validation of an Assessment for District-wide use in the Early Primary Grades
    (2016-07-01) Barghaus, Katherine; Fantuzzo, John; Henderson, Cassandra; LeBoeuf, Whitney; Li, Feifei; McDermott, Paul
    Research Findings: The aim of this study was to provide an initial investigation into the psychometric properties of the Problems in Classroom Engagement Scale (PCES). The PCES was designed and tested for district-wide use as part of the report card system for a large urban school district. The PCES was administered to all first, second, and third grade students in the district. Factor analytic examination revealed a bifactor structure as the best fit to the data. The bifactor structure reflected a general factor of Problems in Behavioral Engagement and two key group factors: Problems in Social Engagement and Problems in Academic Engagement. These factors were found to be reliable within and across grades and demonstrated convergent and divergent relations with academic and behavioral outcomes. Practice or Policy: Findings provide initial evidence to support the routine use of PCES in a large, urban setting. As such, use of the PCES can help in fostering district-wide attention to students’ early behavioral, social, and academic engagement difficulties.