Anand, Madhukar
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Publication Distributed-Code Generation from Hybrid Systems Models for Time-delayed Multirate Systems(2005-09-19) Anand, Madhukar; Fischmeister, Sebastian; Kim, Jesung; Lee, InsupHybrid systems are an appropriate formalism to model embedded systems as they capture the theme of continuous dynamics with discrete control. A simple extension, a network of communicating hybrid automata, allows for modeling distributed embedded systems. Although it is possible to generate code from such models, it is difficult to provide formal guarantees in the code with respect to the model. One of the reasons for this is that, the model is set in continuous time and concurrent execution with instantaneous communication, whereas the generated code is set in discrete time with delayed communication. This can introduce semantic differences between the model and the code such as missed transitions, faulty transitions, and altered continuous behavior. The goal of faithful code generation is to minimize these differences. In this paper, we propose a relaxed criteria of relative faithful implementation. Based on this criteria, we propose dynamically adjusting the guard at runtime using estimates of errors for preventing faulty transitions. We also identify a sufficient condition to ensure no missed transitions in the code.Publication Sensor Network Security: More Interesting Than You Think(2006-07-31) Anand, Madhukar; Cronin, Eric; Sherr, Micah; Blaze, Matthew A; Ives, Zachary G; Lee, InsupWith the advent of low-power wireless sensor networks, a wealth of new applications at the interface of the real and digital worlds is emerging. A distributed computing platform that can measure properties of the real world, formulate intelligent inferences, and instrument responses, requires strong foundations in distributed computing, artificial intelligence, databases, control theory, and security. Before these intelligent systems can be deployed in critical infrastructures such as emergency rooms and powerplants, the security properties of sensors must be fully understood. Existing wisdom has been to apply the traditional security models and techniques to sensor networks. However, sensor networks are not traditional computing devices, and as a result, existing security models and methods are ill suited. In this position paper, we take the first steps towards producing a comprehensive security model that is tailored for sensor networks. Incorporating work from Internet security, ubiquitous computing, and distributed systems, we outline security properties that must be considered when designing a secure sensor network. We propose challenges for sensor networks – security obstacles that, when overcome, will move us closer to decreasing the divide between computers and the physical world.Publication Generating Sound and Resource-Aware Code from Hybrid System Models(2006-03-15) Anand, Madhukar; Kim, Jesung; Fischmeister, Sebastian; Lee, InsupModern real-time embedded systems are complex, distributed, feature-rich applications. Model-based development of real-time embedded systems promises to simplify and accelerate the implementation process. Although there are appropriate models to design such systems and some tools that support automatic code generation from such models, several issues related to ensuring correctness of the implementation with respect to the model remain to be addressed. In this work, we investigate how we can derive sampling rates for distributed real-time systems generated from a hybrid systems model such that there are no switching discrepancies and the resources spent in achieving this are a minimum. Of particular interest are the resulting mode switching semantics and we propose an approach to handle faulty transitions and compute execution rates for minimizing missed transitions. As a guiding example for our approach, we describe a hybrid systems model for vehicle coordination in which one vehicle acts as a leader and a second follows the leader guaranteeing to maintain a safe distance between the two vehicles.Publication An Analysis Framework for Network-Code Programs(2006-07-19) Anand, Madhukar; Fischmeister, Sebastian; Lee, InsupDistributed real-time systems require a predictable and verifiable mechanism to control the communication medium. Current real-time communication protocols are typically independent of the application and have intrinsic limitations that impede customizing or optimizing them for the application. Therefore, either the developer must adapt her application and work around these subtleties or she must limit the capabilities of the application being developed. Network Code, in contrast, is a more expressive and flexible model that specifies real-time communication schedules as programs. By providing a programmable media access layer on the basis of TDMA, Network Code permits creating application-specific protocols that suit the particular needs of the application. However, this gain in flexibility also incurrs additional costs such as increased communication and run-time overhead. Therefore, engineering an application with network code necessitates that these costs are analyzed, quantified, and weighted against the benefits. In this work, we propose a framework to analyze network code programs for commonly used metrics such as overhead, schedulability, and average waiting time. We introduce Timed Tree Communication Schedules, based on timed automata to model such programs and define metrics in the context of deterministic and probabilistic communication schedules. To demonstrate the utility of our framework, we study an inverted pendulum system and show that we can decrease the cumulative numeric error in the model’s implementation through analyzing and improving the schedule based on the presented metrics.Publication Code Generation from Hybrid Systems Models for Distributed Embedded Systems(2005-05-18) Anand, Madhukar; Kim, Jesung; Lee, InsupCode generation from hybrid system models is a promising approach to producing reliable embedded systems. This approach presents new challenges as the precise semantics of the model are hard to capture in the code. A framework for generating code was introduced for single threaded/processor environments. Here, we extend it by considering code generation for distributed environments. We also define criteria for faithful implementation of the model. To this end, we define faulty and missed transitions. For preventing faulty transitions, we build on the idea of instrumentation we have developed for sound simulation of hybrid systems. Finally, we present sufficient conditions to avoid missed transitions and provide examples.Publication Formal Modeling and Analysis of AFDX Frame Management Design(2006-04-24) Anand, Madhukar; Dajani-Brown, Samar; Vestal, Steve; Lee, InsupThe Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX) has been developed to provide reliable data exchange with strong data transmission time guarantees in internal communication of the aircraft. The AFDX design is based on the principle of a switched network with physically redundant links to support availability and be tolerant to transmission and link failures in the network. In this work, we develop a formal model of the AFDX frame management to ascertain the reliability properties of the design. To capture the precise temporal semantics, we model the system as a network of timed automata and use UPPAAL to model-check for the desired properties expressed in CTL. Our analysis indicates that the design of the AFDX frame management is vulnerable to faults such as network babbling which can trigger unwarranted system resets. We show that these problems can be alleviated by modifying the original design to include a priority queue at the receiver for storing the frames. We also suggest communicating redundant copies of the reset message to achieve tolerance to network babbling.Publication Robust and Sustainable Schedulability Analysis of Embedded Software(2008-06-12) Anand, Madhukar; Lee, InsupFor real-time systems, most of the analysis involves efficient or exact schedulability checking. While this is important, analysis is often based on the assumption that the task parameters such as execution requirements and inter-arrival times between jobs are known exactly. In most cases, however, only a worst-case estimate of these quantities is available at the time of analysis. It is therefore imperative that schedulability analysis hold for better parameter values (Sustainable Analysis). On the other hand, if the task or system parameters turn out to be worse off, then the analysis should tolerate some deterioration (Robust Analysis). Robust analysis is especially important, because the implication of task schedulability is often weakened in the presence of optimizations that are performed on its code, or dynamic system parameters. In this work, we define and address sustainability and robustness questions for analysis of embedded real-time software that is modeled by conditional real-time tasks. Specifically, we show that, while the analysis is sustainable for changes in the task such as lower job execution times and increased relative deadlines, it is not the case for code changes such as job splitting and reordering. We discuss the impact of these results in the context of common compiler optimizations, and then develop robust schedulability techniques for operations where the original analysis is not sustainable.Publication Quantifying Eavesdropping Vulnerability in Sensor Networks(2005-08-29) Anand, Madhukar; Ives, Zachary G; Lee, InsupWith respect to security, sensor networks have a number of considerations that separate them from traditional distributed systems. First, sensor devices are typically vulnerable to physical compromise. Second, they have significant power and processing constraints. Third, the most critical security issue is protecting the (statistically derived) aggregate output of the system, even if individual nodes may be compromised. We suggest that these considerations merit a rethinking of traditional security techniques: rather than depending on the resilience of cryptographic techniques, in this paper we develop new techniques to tolerate compromised nodes and to even mislead an adversary. We present our initial work on probabilistically quantifying the security of sensor network protocols, with respect to sensor data distributions and network topologies. Beginning with a taxonomy of attacks based on an adversary’s goals, we focus on how to evaluate the vulnerability of sensor network protocols to eavesdropping. Different topologies and aggregation functions provide different probabilistic guarantees about system security, and make different trade-offs in power and accuracy.Publication Compositional Analysis Framework using EDP Resource Models(2007-12-03) Easwaran, Arvind; Anand, Madhukar; Lee, InsupCompositional schedulability analysis of hierarchical scheduling frameworks is a well studied problem, as it has wide-ranging applications in the embedded systems domain. Several techniques, such as periodic resource model based abstraction and composition, have been proposed for this problem. However these frameworks are sub-optimal because they incur bandwidth overhead. In this work, we introduce the Explicit Deadline Periodic (EDP) resource model, and present compositional analysis techniques under EDF and DM. We show that these techniques are bandwidth optimal, in that they do not incur any bandwidth overhead in abstraction or composition. Hence, this framework is more efficient when compared to existing approaches.Publication Unit & Dynamic Typing in Hybrid Systems Modeling with CHARON(2006-10-04) Anand, Madhukar; Lee, Insup; Pappas, George; Sokolsky, OlegIn scientific applications, dimensional analysis forms a basis for catching errors as it introduces a type-discipline into the equations and formulae. Dimensions in physical quantities are measured via their standard units. However, many programming and modeling tools provide limited support for incorporating these units into the variables. Thus, it is quite difficult for a programmer to ensure dimensional consistency in the code. Different existing standards for units further complicates this problem and an incautious use could cause inconsistencies, often with catastrophic results. In this paper, we propose an extension of the basic type system in CHARON, a language for modeling of hybrid systems, to include Unit and Dynamic data types. Through a combination of indirect user-guided annotations and typeinference, we address the problem of ensuring both dimensional consistency, and consistency with respect to different unitsystems. Further, we also introduce dynamic data typing, that allows programmers to specify entities that bind at runtime. Such abstractions are particularly useful to program controllers for dynamic environments. We illustrate these benefits with an example on mobile robots.