Hartley, Matthew

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
  • Publication
    Democratic Engagement White Paper
    (2009-01-01) Saltmarsh, John; Hartley, Matthew; Clayton, Patti
  • Publication
    Engagement for Democracy
    (2012-01-01) Hartley, Matthew
  • Publication
    A Little Supervision is a Good Thing
    (2011-03-29) Hartley, Matthew; Ruby, Alan
  • Publication
    The Endless Good Argument : The Adaptation of Mission at Two Liberal Arts Colleges
    (2005-06-01) Hartley, Matthew; Schall, Lawrence
    A meaningful institutional purpose does not just pop into existence. It must be constructed, with reference both to core values and to changing market or demographic conditions. This article examines three important moments in the history of two different institutions to better understand the development of such a process and explore how a sense of mission and the core values can survive over time, despite inevitable challenges.
  • Publication
    What's Being Sold and To What End? A Content Analysis of College Viewbooks
    (2008-12-01) Hartley, Matthew; Morphew, Christopher C
    The article analyzes the content of college viewbooks, which are designed to entice students to enroll in the universities that they represent. Viewbooks are considered a very important medium by which institutions communicate with prospective students. The authors look at the content of a wide variety of college viewbooks, examining common themes, the ways in which themes vary by institutional type and control, and what messages are communicated to students about the academic purposes of higher education. Viewbooks are an important medium for enticing students to apply to colleges. But what messages are conveyed in them? This study offers an in-depth examination of 48 viewbooks using content analysis. The findings point to the predominance of a highly privatized conception of a college education.
  • Publication
    Parallel Reforms: Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and Nazarbayev University
    (2017-01-01) Ruby, Alan; Hartley, Matthew
  • Publication
    The Civic Engagement Movement and the Democratization of the Academy
    (2011-01-01) Hartley, Matthew; Harkavy, Ira
    General book summary: Diverse essays create a new definition of leadership education based in colleges and universities The essays in this volume address the idea of leadership education through civic engagement. They delineate a new approach to leadership education reflecting important cultural trends driven by technology, globalization, and demographic shifts; look at some of the best leadership education programs nationwide; and offer “next steps” on how to transform higher education more broadly.
  • Publication
    Developing Academic Strategic Alliances: Reconciling Multiple Institutional Cultures, Policies, and Practices
    (2008-11-01) Eckel, Peter D; Hartley, Matthew
    Colleges and universities have often been required to evolve in response to shifting societal priorities. Over the past century, this occurred in the context of an ever-expanding system of higher education built with a substantial investment of public money. If society needed more professional programs, institutions added them. In the current context, however, the expectation of institutional accountability remains undiminished despite an increasingly resource-constrained environment. This places colleges and universities in a double bind. They are expected to address society's needs, yet they often do not have the resources to respond to them. Our institutions of higher learning are limited in the ways they can generate additional capital, and efforts to free resources by reducing administrative overhead and reallocating responsibilities have often produced pyrrhic victories (Eckel, 2003).