Haeberlen, Andreas

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  • Publication
    Tracking Adversarial Behavior in Distributed Systems With Secure Network Provenance
    (2010-01-01) Haeberlen, Andreas; Zhou, Wenchao; Loo, Boon Thau; Sherr, Micah
    This paper presents secure network provenance (SNP), a novel technique for tracking down compromised nodes in a distributed system and assessing the damage that they may have caused to other nodes. SNP enables operators to ask the system why it is in a certain state – for example, why a suspicious routing table entry is present on a certain router, or where a given cache entry originated. SNP is robust to manipulation; its tamper-evident properties ensure that operators can detect when compromised nodes lie or falsely implicate correct nodes. Thus, compromised nodes can at worst refuse to participate, making their presence evident to operators. We describe an algorithm for answering SNP queries, as well as a proof-of-concept implementation.
  • Publication
    NetTrails: A Declarative Platform for Maintaining and Querying Provenance in Distributed Systems
    (2011-06-01) Zhuo, Wenchao; Fei, Qiong; Haeberlen, Andreas; Sun, Shengzhi; Ives, Zachary G; Tao, Tao; Loo, Boon Thau; Sherr, Micah
    We demonstrate NetTrails, a declarative platform for maintaining and interactively querying network provenance in a distributed system. Network provenance describes the history and derivations of network state that result from the execution of a distributed protocol. It has broad applicability in the management, diagnosis, and security analysis of networks. Our demonstration shows the use of NetTrails for maintaining and querying network provenance in a variety of distributed settings, ranging from declarative networks to unmodified legacy distributed systems. We conclude our demonstration with a discussion of our ongoing research on enhancing the query language and security guarantees.
  • Publication
    Reliable Client Accounting for Hybrid Content-Distribution Networks
    (2012-04-01) Aditya, Paarijaat; Zhao, Mingchen; Lin, Yin; Haeberlen, Andreas; Druschel, Peter; Maggs, Bruce; Wishon, Bill
    Content distribution networks (CDNs) have started to adopt hybrid designs, which employ both dedicated edge servers and resources contributed by clients. Hybrid designs combine many of the advantages of infrastructurebased and peer-to-peer systems, but they also present new challenges. This paper identifies reliable client accounting as one such challenge. Operators of hybrid CDNs are accountable to their customers (i.e., content providers) for the CDN’s performance. Therefore, they need to offer reliable quality of service and a detailed account of content served. Service quality and accurate accounting, however, depend in part on interactions among untrusted clients. Using the Akamai NetSession client network in a case study, we demonstrate that a small number of malicious clients used in a clever attack could cause significant accounting inaccuracies. We present a method for providing reliable accounting of client interactions in hybrid CDNs. The proposed method leverages the unique characteristics of hybrid systems to limit the loss of accounting accuracy and service quality caused by faulty or compromised clients. We also describe RCA, a system that applies this method to a commercial hybrid content-distribution network. Using trace-driven simulations, we show that RCA can detect and mitigate a variety of attacks, at the expense of a moderate increase in logging overhead.
  • Publication
    Secure Network Provenance
    (2011-10-01) Zhou, Wenchao; Fei, Qiong; Haeberlen, Andreas; Narayan, Arjun; Loo, Boon Thau; Sherr, Micah
    This paper introduces secure network provenance (SNP), a novel technique that enables networked systems to explain to their operators why they are in a certain state – e.g., why a suspicious routing table entry is present on a certain router, or where a given cache entry originated. SNP provides network forensics capabilities by permitting operators to track down faulty or misbehaving nodes, and to assess the damage such nodes may have caused to the rest of the system. SNP is designed for adversarial settings and is robust to manipulation; its tamper-evident properties ensure that operators can detect when compromised nodes lie or falsely implicate correct nodes. We also present the design of SNooPy, a general-purpose SNP system. To demonstrate that SNooPy is practical, we apply it to three example applications: the Quagga BGP daemon, a declarative implementation of Chord, and Hadoop MapReduce. Our results indicate that SNooPy can efficiently explain state in an adversarial setting, that it can be applied with minimal effort, and that its costs are low enough to be practical.
  • Publication
    Cloud-Based Secure Logger for Medical Devices
    (2016-06-01) Nguyen, Hung; Ivanov, Radoslav; Haeberlen, Andreas; Phan, Linh T.X.; Sokolsky, Oleg; Weimer, James; Hanson III, C. William; Acharya, Bipeen; Lee, Insup; Walker, Jesse
    A logger in the cloud capable of keeping a secure, time-synchronized and tamper-evident log of medical device and patient information allows efficient forensic analysis in cases of adverse events or attacks on interoperable medical devices. A secure logger as such must meet requirements of confidentiality and integrity of message logs and provide tamper-detection and tamper-evidence. In this paper, we propose a design for such a cloud-based secure logger using the Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) and the Trusted Platform Module (TPM). The proposed logger receives medical device information from a dongle attached to a medical device. The logger relies on SGX, TPM and standard encryption to maintain a secure communication channel even on an untrusted network and operating system. We also show that the logger is resilient against different kinds of attacks such as Replay attacks, Injection attacks and Eavesdropping attacks.
  • Publication
    Differential Privacy Under Fire
    (2011-08-01) Haeberlen, Andreas; Pierce, Benjamin C; Narayan, Arjun
    Anonymizing private data before release is not enough to reliably protect privacy, as Netflix and AOL have learned to their cost. Recent research on differential privacy opens a way to obtain robust, provable privacy guarantees, and systems like PINQ and Airavat now offer convenient frameworks for processing arbitrary userspecified queries in a differentially private way. However, these systems are vulnerable to a variety of covertchannel attacks that can be exploited by an adversarial querier. We describe several different kinds of attacks, all feasible in PINQ and some in Airavat. We discuss the space of possible countermeasures, and we present a detailed design for one specific solution, based on a new primitive we call predictable transactions and a simple differentially private programming language. Our evaluation, which relies on a proof-of-concept implementation based on the Caml Light runtime, shows that our design is effective against remotely exploitable covert channels, at the expense of a higher query completion time.
  • Publication
    Challenges in Experimenting with Botnet Detection Systems
    (2011-08-01) Aviv, Adam J.; Haeberlen, Andreas
    In this paper, we examine the challenges faced when evaluating botnet detection systems. Many of these challenges stem from difficulties in obtaining and sharing diverse sets of real network traces, as well as determining a botnet ground truth in such traces. On the one hand, there are good reasons why network traces should not be shared freely, such as privacy concerns, but on the other hand, the resulting data scarcity complicates quantitative comparisons to other work and conducting independently repeatable experiments. These challenges are similar to those faced by researchers studying large-scale distributed systems only a few years ago, and researchers were able to overcome many of the challenges by collaborating to create a global testbed, namely PlanetLab. We speculate that a similar system for botnet detection research could help overcome the challenges in this domain, and we briefly discuss the associated research directions.
  • Publication
    Having Your Cake and Eating It Too: Routing Security with Privacy Protections
    (2011-11-01) Gurney, Alexander JT; Haeberlen, Andreas; Loo, Boon Thau; Zhuo, Wenchao; Sherr, Micah
    Internet Service Providers typically do not reveal details of their interdomain routing policies due to security concerns, or for commercial or legal reasons. As a result, it is difficult to hold ISPs accountable for their contractual agreements. Existing solutions can check basic properties, e.g., whether route announcements correspond to valid routes, but they do not verify how these routes were chosen. In essence, today’s Internet forces us to choose between per-AS privacy and verifiability. In this paper, we argue that making this difficult tradeoff is unnecessary. We propose private and verifiable routing (PVR), a technique that enables ISPs to check whether their neighbors are fulfilling their contractual promises to them, and to obtain evidence of any violations, without disclosing information that the routing protocol does not already reveal. As initial evidence that PVR is feasible, we sketch a PVR system that can verify some simple BGP policies. We conclude by highlighting several research challenges as future work.
  • Publication
    Accountable Virtual Machines
    (2010-10-01) Haeberlen, Andreas; Aditya, Paarijaat; Rodrigues, Rodrigo; Druschel, Peter
    In this paper, we introduce accountable virtual machines (AVMs). Like ordinary virtual machines, AVMs can execute binary software images in a virtualized copy of a computer system; in addition, they can record non-repudiable information that allows auditors to subsequently check whether the software behaved as intended. AVMs provide strong accountability, which is important, for instance, in distributed systems where different hosts and organizations do not necessarily trust each other, or where software is hosted on third-party operated platforms. AVMs can provide accountability for unmodified binary images and do not require trusted hardware. To demonstrate that AVMs are practical, we have designed and implemented a prototype AVM monitor based on VMwareWorkstation, and used it to detect several existing cheats in Counterstrike, a popular online multi-player game.
  • Publication
    Secure Network Provenance
    (2011-10-01) Zhuo, Wenchao; Fei, Qiong; Haeberlen, Andreas; Narayan, Arjun; Loo, Boon Thau; Sherr, Micah
    This paper introduces secure network provenance (SNP), a novel technique that enables networked systems to explain to their operators why they are in a certain state – e.g., why a suspicious routing table entry is present on a certain router, or where a given cache entry originated. SNP provides network forensics capabilities by permitting operators to track down faulty or misbehaving nodes, and to assess the damage such nodes may have caused to the rest of the system. SNP is designed for adversarial settings and is robust to manipulation; its tamper-evident properties ensure that operators can detect when compromised nodes lie or falsely implicate correct nodes. We also present the design of SNooPy, a general-purpose SNP system. To demonstrate that SNooPy is practical, we apply it to three example applications: the Quagga BGP daemon, a declarative implementation of Chord, and Hadoop MapReduce. Our results indicate that SNooPy can efficiently explain state in an adversarial setting, that it can be applied with minimal effort, and that its costs are low enough to be practical.