Park, Junkil

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  • Publication
    Scalable Verification of Linear Controller Software
    (2016-04-01) Park, Junkil; Lee, Insup; Sokolsky, Oleg; Pajic, Miroslav
    We consider the problem of verifying software implementations of linear time-invariant controllers against mathematical specifications. Given a controller specification, multiple correct implementations may exist, each of which uses a different representation of controller state (e.g., due to optimizations in a third-party code generator). To accommodate this variation, we first extract a controller's mathematical model from the implementation via symbolic execution, and then check input-output equivalence between the extracted model and the specification by similarity checking. We show how to automatically verify the correctness of C code controller implementation using the combination of techniques such as symbolic execution, satisfiability solving and convex optimization. Through evaluation using randomly generated controller specifications of realistic size, we demonstrate that the scalability of this approach has significantly improved compared to our own earlier work based on the invariant checking method.
  • Publication
    Process Algebraic Approach to the Schedulability Analysis and Workload Abstraction of Hierarchical Real-Time Systems
    (2017-07-01) Park, Junkil; Lee, Insup; Sokolsky, Oleg; Choi, Jin-Young; Hwang, Dae Yon; Ahn, Sojin; Kang, Inhye
    Real-time embedded systems have increased in complexity. As microprocessors become more powerful, the software complexity of real-time embedded systems has increased steadily. The requirements for increased functionality and adaptability make the development of real-time embedded software complex and error-prone. Component-based design has been widely accepted as a compositional approach to facilitate the design of complex systems. It provides a means for decomposing a complex system into simpler subsystems and composing the subsystems in a hierarchical manner. A system composed of real-time subsystems with hierarchy is called a hierarchical real-time system This paper describes a process algebraic approach to schedulability analysis of hierarchical real-time systems. To facilitate modeling and analyzing hierarchical real-time systems, we conservatively extend an existing process algebraic theory based on ACSR-VP (Algebra of Communicating Shared Resources with Value-Passing) for the schedulability of real-time systems. We explain a method to model a resource model in ACSR-VP which may be partitioned for a subsystem. We also introduce schedulability relation to define the schedulability of hierarchical real-time systems and show that satisfaction checking of the relation is reducible to deadlock checking in ACSR-VP and can be done automatically by the tool support of ERSA (Verification, Execution and Rewrite System for ACSR). With the schedulability relation, we present algorithms for abstracting real-time system workloads.
  • Publication
    LCV: A Verification Tool for Linear Controller Software
    (2019-04-01) Park, Junkil; Sokolsky, Oleg; Lee, Insup; Pajic, Miroslav
    In the model-based development of controller software, the use of an unverified code generator/transformer may result in introducing unintended bugs in the controller implementation. To assure the correctness of the controller software in the absence of verified code genera- tor/transformer, we develop Linear Controller Verifier (LCV), a tool to verify a linear controller implementation against its original linear controller model. LCV takes as input a Simulink block diagram model and a C code implementation, represents them as linear time-invariant system models respectively, and verifies an input-output equivalence between them. We demonstrate that LCV successfully detects a known bug of a widely used code generator and an unknown bug of a code transformer. We also demonstrate the scalability of LCV and a real-world case study with the controller of a quadrotor system.
  • Publication
    Automatic Verification of Finite Precision Implementations of Linear Controllers
    (2017-04-01) Park, Junkil; Sokolsky, Oleg; Lee, Insup; Pajic, Miroslav
    We consider the problem of verifying finite precision implementation of linear time-invariant controllers against mathematical specifications. A specification may have multiple correct implementations which are different from each other in controller state representation, but equivalent from a perspective of input-output behavior (e.g., due to optimization in a code generator). The implementations may use finite precision computations (e.g. floating-point arithmetic) which cause quantization (i.e., roundoff) errors. To address these challenges, we first extract a controller's mathematical model from the implementation via symbolic execution and floating-point error analysis, and then check approximate input-output equivalence between the extracted model and the specification by similarity checking. We show how to automatically verify the correctness of floating-point controller implementation in C language using the combination of techniques such as symbolic execution and convex optimization problem solving. We demonstrate the scalability of our approach through evaluation with randomly generated controller specifications of realistic size.