Birch, Eugenie L.

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Urban, Community and Regional Planning
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  • Publication
    Radburn and the American Planning Movement
    (1980-10-01) Birch, Eugenie L.
    Many intellectual streams have contributed to the ideology of the American planning movement. Radburn, a partially built, planned, New Jersey settlement, represents the influence of English garden city theories. Radburn's plan was so well designed and rationally organized that it has become a permanent resource for planners who in every generation examine and sometimes adapt it to solve contemporary problems. As a result, it has survived as testimony to the planners' vision of suburban growth. It also represents, however, a neglected promise unfulfilled because of larger currents in American culture.
  • Publication
    Panel II: Consumer Level - Overview
    (2014-12-08) Birch, Eugenie L
  • Publication
    The Unsheltered Woman: Definition and Needs
    (1985) Birch, Eugenie L.
    One-third of the nation has a housing problem. Twenty-three millions households are ill-housed. They are a diverse group - the elderly, families with children and single people of all races. Most significantly, they tend to be women. More than 40 percent of the group - or 10 million - are female householders. Females head about 27 percent of all American households today; yet, they are disproportionately represented among those experiencing housing problems. In fact, numerically, they are the largest subgroup of the poorly sheltered population.
  • Publication
    Planning in a World City: New York and its Communities
    (1996-10-01) Birch, Eugenie L.
    Planning in New York, a world city, is complicated, fragmented, layered, and project-oriented. The imperatives of a metropolis often dash with the goals of neighborhoods. The planning commission, working within a highly structured and legalistic environment, promotes compromise, balances the needs of different groups, and mediates conflicts, while ensuring that major projects get built. Case studies of Donald Trump's Riverside South, the United States Tennis Association's National Tennis Center and others illustrate the nature of large city planning. They also give rise to a set of governing principles.
  • Publication
    The Planner and the Preservationist
    (1984-04-01) Birch, Eugenie L.; Roby, Douglas
    In many ways the planning and historic preservation movements have had similar but separate patterns of institutional development. Although the planning profession is older and more refined than the preservation effort, their shared concern for the quality of the built environment has made them natural allies in promoting conservation practices in American metropolitan areas. At times, differing objectives have marred their mutual cooperative endeavors; but on the whole, they have developed an important symbiotic relationship that has served to strengthen both professions.
  • Publication
    Designing Woman: A Conversation with New York Planning Commissioner Amanda Burden
    (2002-09-01) Birch, Eugenie L.
    In an interview, Amanda Burden, New York City Planning Commissioner, discusses her organization's role in the redevelopment of Lower Manhattan. The biggest issues involved, why she feels so strongly about physical planning and urban design, and what her organization's concerns are in terms of physical planning for the boroughs.
  • Publication
    Advancing the Art and Science of Planning
    (1980) Birch, Eugenie L.
    The interplay between harmony and conflict focusing on the definition of planning and the financing of promotional activities has characterized the seventy year history of the professional organizations. Despite these currents, foundation support, visionary leadership, and dedicated volunteerism have combined to spread the planning ideal throughout the nation. Nonetheless, the profession remains weakly defined, leaving a challenge for the newly formed American Planning Association.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    The Housing and Slum Clearance Act and its Effectson the Urban Planning Profession
    (1999-10-01) Birch, Eugenie L.
    The Housing and Slum Clearance Act of 1949 transformed the planning profession. It had profound effects in six areas: the demand for planners, the exercise of planning techniques, the planners' self-image, the trappings of the profession, professional qualifying standards and the field's ability to adapt to changing circumstances. In the end, the single most important effect of the Act was its confirming in planners the desire to make the environment a better place.
  • Publication
    Chester Rapkin: Planner, Teacher, Scholar
    (1988-09-01) Birch, Eugenie L.
    "The seminal thinkers of the profession are now largely historical figures, few 'heroes' have emerged to replace them," Michael P. Brooks recently wrote (Brooks, 1988). Brooks is unduly alarmist. Significant figures like Daniel Burnham and Rexford Tugwell have their counterparts today. But these contemporary planners are different. They do not espouse exaggerated visions nor call brashly for revolutionary changes. American life also is different. Big cities are no longer novel nor is the economy emerging from a major depression. The country now is dealing with seemingly intransigent issues like the underclass and runaway metropolitan growth and adjusting to major industrial restructuring.