Topping, Turner

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  • Publication
    Composition of Templates for Transitional Pedipulation Behaviors
    (2019-09-05) Topping, Thomas T; Vasilopoulos, Vasileios; De, Avik; Koditschek, Daniel E.
    Abstract. We document the reliably repeatable dynamical mounting and dismounting of wheeled stools and carts, and of fixed ledges, by the Minitaur robot. Because these tasks span a range of length scales that preclude quasi-static execution, we use a hybrid dynamical systems framework to variously compose and thereby systematically reuse a small lexicon of templates (low degree of freedom behavioral primitives). The resulting behaviors comprise the key competences beyond mere locomotion required for robust implementation on a legged mobile manipulator of a simple version of the warehouseman’s problem.
  • Publication
    Towards Bipedal Behavior on a Quadrupedal Platform Using Optimal Control
    (2016-05-13) Topping, Turner; Vasilopoulos, Vasileios; De, Avik; Koditschek, Daniel E
    This paper explores the applicability of a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) controller design to the problem of bipedal stance on the Minitaur [1] quadrupedal robot. Restricted to the sagittal plane, this behavior exposes a three degree of freedom (DOF) double inverted pendulum with extensible length that can be projected onto the familiar underactuated revolute-revolute “Acrobot” model by assuming a locked prismatic DOF, and a pinned toe. While previous work has documented the successful use of local LQR control to stabilize a physical Acrobot, simulations reveal that a design very similar to those discussed in the past literature cannot achieve an empirically viable controller for our physical plant. Experiments with a series of increasingly close physical facsimiles leading to the actual Minitaur platform itself corroborate and underscore the physical Minitaur platform corroborate and underscore the implications of the simulation study. We conclude that local LQR-based linearized controller designs are too fragile to stabilize the physical Minitaur platform around its vertically erect equilibrium and end with a brief assessment of a variety of more sophisticated nonlinear control approaches whose pursuit is now in progress.
  • Publication
    Quasi-Static and Dynamic Mismatch for Door Opening and Stair Climbing With a Legged Robot
    (2017-05-27) Topping, T. Turner; Kenneally, Gavin; Koditschek, Daniel E
    This paper contributes to quantifying the notion of robotic fitness by developing a set of necessary conditions that determine whether a small quadruped has the ability to open a class of doors or climb a class of stairs using only quasi-static maneuvers. After verifying that several such machines from the recent robotics literature are mismatched in this sense to the common human scale environment, we present empirical workarounds for the Minitaur quadrupedal platform that enable it to leap up, force the door handle and push through the door, as well as bound up the stairs, thereby accomplishing through dynamical maneuvers otherwise (i.e., quasi-statically) achievable tasks. For more information: Kod*lab
  • Publication
    Composition of Templates for Transitional Legged Behaviors
    (2020-05-14) Topping, Thomas T; Koditschek, Daniel E
    Compositional methods for developing, analyzing and synthesizing robot behaviors construed as controlled hybrid dynamical systems with regular properties [1] has proven an effective framework for achieving steady state gaits [2,3]. Exploiting their potential for programming transitional behaviors, requiring more complicated interactions with the environment [4,5] has been limited by our inability to find appropriate constituent models (“templates” [6]) from which to construct these complex behaviors.