Hanson III, C. William

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  • Publication
    Clinician-in-the-Loop Annotation of ICU Bedside Alarm Data
    (2016-06-01) Roederer, Alexander; Dimartino, Joseph; Gutsche, Jacob; Hanson III, C. William; Lee, Insup; Mullen-Fortino, Margaret; Shah, Sachin
    In this work, we describe the state of clinical monitoring in the intensive care unit and operating room, where patients are at their most fragile and thus monitoring is most heightened. We describe how large amounts of data generated by monitoring patients’ physiologic signals, along with the ubiquitous aspecific threshold alarms in use today, cause dangerous alarm fatigue for medical caregivers. In order to build more specific, more useful alarms, we gathered a novel data set that would allow us to assess the number, types, and utility of alarms currently in use in the intensive care unit. To do this, we developed a system to collect physiologic monitor data, alarms, and annotations of those alarms provided electronically by clinicians. We describe the collection process for this novel data set and provide a preliminary description of the data.
  • Publication
    Cloud-Based Secure Logger for Medical Devices
    (2016-06-01) Nguyen, Hung; Ivanov, Radoslav; Haeberlen, Andreas; Phan, Linh T.X.; Sokolsky, Oleg; Weimer, James; Hanson III, C. William; Acharya, Bipeen; Lee, Insup; Walker, Jesse
    A logger in the cloud capable of keeping a secure, time-synchronized and tamper-evident log of medical device and patient information allows efficient forensic analysis in cases of adverse events or attacks on interoperable medical devices. A secure logger as such must meet requirements of confidentiality and integrity of message logs and provide tamper-detection and tamper-evidence. In this paper, we propose a design for such a cloud-based secure logger using the Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) and the Trusted Platform Module (TPM). The proposed logger receives medical device information from a dongle attached to a medical device. The logger relies on SGX, TPM and standard encryption to maintain a secure communication channel even on an untrusted network and operating system. We also show that the logger is resilient against different kinds of attacks such as Replay attacks, Injection attacks and Eavesdropping attacks.
  • Publication
    GSA: A Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Smart Alarm Systems
    (2010-11-11) King, Andrew; Roederer, Alex; Arney, David; Chen, Sanjian; Fortino-Mullen, Margaret; Giannareas, Ana; Hanson III, C. William; Kern, Vanessa; Stevens, Nicholas; Viesca Trevino, Adrian; Park, Soojin; Sokolsky, Oleg; Lee, Insup; Tannen, Jonathan
    We describe the Generic Smart Alarm, an architectural framework for the development of decision support modules for a variety of clinical applications. The need to quickly process patient vital signs and detect patient health events arises in many clinical scenarios, from clinical decision support to tele-health systems to home-care applications. The events detected during monitoring can be used as caregiver alarms, as triggers for further downstream processing or logging, or as discrete inputs to decision support systems or physiological closed-loop applications. We believe that all of these scenarios are similar, and share a common framework of design. In attempting to solve a particular instance of the problem, that of device alarm fatigue due to numerous false alarms, we devised a modular system based around this framework. This modular design allows us to easily customize the framework to address the specific needs of the various applications, and at the same time enables us to perform checking of consistency of the system. In the paper we discuss potential specific clinical applications of a generic smart alarm framework, present the proposed architecture of such a framework, and motivate the benefits of a generic framework for the development of new smart alarm or clinical decision support systems.