Walsh, Patrick J

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  • Publication
    The Role of Dynamic Ligand Exchange in the Oxidation Chemistry of Cerium(III)
    (2016-03-22) Robinson, Jerome R; Qiao, Yusen; Gu, Jun; Walsh, Patrick J; Carroll, Patrick J; Schelter, Eric J
    The CeIII/IV couple is useful for many applications in organic, inorganic, and materials chemistry. However, attaining a general method to access both oxidations states through reversible solution redox chemistry remains challenging. Herein we report the synthesis, characterization, and oxidation chemistry of the novel Ce/Li REMB heterochiral diastereomer, 1-Ce(het). The solution exchange processes of 1-RE(het) (RE ¼ Ce and Yb) were investigated to estimate rates of ligand and cation exchange relevant in homochiral and heterochiral frameworks. A detailed mechanistic investigation following the solution dynamics of 1-Ce(het) revealed reactivity controlled both by ligand reorganization and redistribution processes. Ligand reorganization was responsible for the kinetics associated with the chemical oxidation reaction, whereas ligand redistribution and exchange dictated the isolated products