Tannen, Val

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  • Publication
    Update Exchange With Mappings and Provenance
    (2007-11-27) Green, Todd J; Karvounarakis, Grigoris; Ives, Zachary G; Tannen, Val
    We consider systems for data sharing among heterogeneous peers related by a network of schema mappings. Each peer has a locally controlled and edited database instance, but wants to ask queries over related data from other peers as well. To achieve this, every peer’s updates propagate along the mappings to the other peers. However, this update exchange is filtered by trust conditions — expressing what data and sources a peer judges to be authoritative — which may cause a peer to reject another’s updates. In order to support such filtering, updates carry provenance information. These systems target scientific data sharing applications, and their general principles and architecture have been described in [21]. In this paper we present methods for realizing such systems. Specifically, we extend techniques from data integration, data exchange, and incremental view maintenance to propagate updates along mappings; we integrate a novel model for tracking data provenance, such that curators may filter updates based on trust conditions over this provenance; we discuss strategies for implementing our techniques in conjunction with an RDBMS; and we experimentally demonstrate the viability of our techniques in the Orchestra prototype system. This technical report supersedes the version which appeared in VLDB 2007 [17] and corrects certain technical claims regarding the semantics of our system (see errata in Sections [3.1] and [4.1.1]).
  • Publication
    Extensional Models for Polymorphism
    (1988-04-08) Tannen, Val; Coquand, Thierry
    We present a general method for constructing extensional models for the Girard-Reynolds polymorphic lambda calculus - the polymorphic extensional collapse. The method yields models that satisfy additional, computationally motivated constraints like having only two polymorphic booleans and having only the numerals as polymorphic integers. Moreover, the method can be used to show that any simply typed lambda model can be fully and faithfully embedded into a model of the polymorphic lambda calculus.
  • Publication
    Querying XML With Mixed and Redundant Storage
    (2002-01-01) Deutsch, Alin; Tannen, Val
    This paper examines some of the issues that arise in the process of XML publishing of mixed-storage proprietary data. We argue that such data will reside typically in RDBMS's and/or LDAP, etc, augmented with a set of native XML documents. An additional challenge is to take advantage of redundancy in the storage schema, such as mixed materialized views that are stored for the purpose of enhancing performance. We argue that such systems need to take into consideration mappings in both directions between the proprietary schema and the published schema. Thus, reformulating queries on the (published) XML schema into executable queries on the stored data will require the effect of both composition-with-views (as in SilkRoute and XPERANTO) and rewriting-with-views (as in the Information Manifold and Agora). Using any of the simple encodings of relational data as XML, the mappings between schemas and the materialized views can be expressed in XQery, just like the queries on the published schema. For query reformulation we give an algorithm that uses logical assertions to capture formally the semantics of a large part of XQuery. We also give a completeness theorem for our reformulation algorithm. The algorithm was implemented in an XML query rewriting system and we present a suite of experiments that validate this technique.
  • Publication
    Efficient Compilation of High-Level Data Parallel Algorithms
    (1994-04-01) Suciu, Dan; Tannen, Val
    We present a high-level parallel calculus for nested sequences, NSC offered as a possible theoretical "core" of an entire class of collection-oriented parallel languages. NSC is based on while-loops as opposed to general recursion. A formal machine independent definition of the parallel time complexity and the work complexity of programs in NSC is given. Our main results are: (1) We give a translation method for a particular form of recursion. called map-recursion into NSC, that preserves the time complexity and adds an arbitrarily small overhead lo the work complexity and (2) We give a compilation method for NSC into a very simple vector parallel machine which preserves the time complexity and again adds an arbitrarily small overhead to the work complexity.
  • Publication
    On the Limitations of Provenance for Queries With Difference
    (2011-01-01) Amsterdamer, Yael; Deutch, Daniel; Tannen, Val
    The annotation of the results of database transformations was shown to be very effective for various applications. Until recently, most works in this context focused on positive query languages. The provenance semirings is a particular approach that was proven effective for these languages, and it was shown that when propagating provenancewith semirings, the expected equivalence axioms of the corresponding query languages are satisfied. There have been several attempts to extend the framework to account for relational algebra queries with difference. We show here that these suggestions fail to satisfy some expected equivalence axioms (that in particular hold for queries on “standard” set and bag databases). Interestingly, we show that this is not a pitfall of these particular attempts, but rather every such attempt is bound to fail in satisfying these axioms, for some semirings. Finally, we show particular semirings for which an extension for supporting difference is (im)possible.
  • Publication
    Inheritance as Implicit Coercion
    (1991-02-01) Tannen, Val; Coquand, Thierry; Gunter, Carl A.; Scedrov, Andre
    We present a method for providing semantic interpretations for languages with a type system featuring inheritance polymorphism. Our approach is illustrated on an extension of the language Fun of Cardelli and Wegner, which we interpret via a translation into an extended polymorphic lambda calculus. Our goal is to interpret inheritances in Fun via coercion functions which are definable in the target of the translation. Existing techniques in the theory of semantic domains can be then used to interpret the extended polymorphic lambda calculus, thus providing many models for the original language. This technique makes it possible to model a rich type discipline which includes parametric polymorphism and recursive types as well as inheritance. A central difficulty in providing interpretations for explicit type disciplines featuring inheritance in the sense discussed in this paper arises from the fact that programs can type-check in more than one way. Since interpretations follow the type-checking derivations, coherence theorems are required: that is, one must prove that the meaning of a program does not depend on the way it was type-checked. The proof of such theorems for our proposed interpretation are the basic technical results of this paper. Interestingly, proving coherence in the presence of recursive types, variants, and abstract types forced us to reexamine fundamental equational properties that arise in proof theory (in the form of commutative reductions) and domain theory (in the form of strict vs. non-strict functions).
  • Publication
    Proof Theoretic Concepts for the Semantics of Types and Concurrency
    (1995) Tannen, Val; Gunter, Carl A; Scedrov, Andre; Coquand, Thierry
    We present a method for providing semantic interpretations for languages with a type system featuring inheritance polymorphism. Our approach is illustrated on an extension of the language Fun of Cardelli and Wegner, which we interpret via a translation into an extended polymorphic lambda calculus. Our goal is to interpret inheritances in Fun via coercion functions which are definable in the target of the translation. Existing techniques in the theory of semantic domains can be then used to interpret the extended polymorphic lambda calculus, thus providing many models for the original language. This technique makes it possible to model a rich type discipline which includes parametric polymorphism and recursive types as well as inheritance. A central difficulty in providing interpretations for explicit type disciplines featuring inheritance in the sense discussed in this paper arises from the fact that programs can type-check in more than one way. Since interpretations follow the type-checking derivations, coherence theorems are required: that is, one must prove that the meaning of a program does not depend on the way it was type-checked. The proof of such theorems for our proposed interpretation are the basic technical results of this paper. Interestingly, proving coherence in the presence of recursive types, variants, and abstract types forced us to reexamine fundamental equational properties that arise in proof theory (in the form of commutative reductions) and domain theory (in the form of strict vs. non-strict functions).
  • Publication
    Logical and Computational Aspects of Programming With Sets/Bags/Lists
    (1991-10-01) Tannen, Val; Subrahmanyam, Ramesh
    We study issues that arise in programming with primitive recursion over non-free datatypes such as lists, bags and sets. Programs written in this style can lack a meaning in the sense that their outputs may be sensitive to the choice of input expression. We are, thus, naturally led to a set-theoretic denotational semantics with partial functions. We set up a logic for reasoning about the definedness of terms and a deterministic and terminating evaluator. The logic is shown to be sound in the model, and its recursion free fragment is shown to be complete for proving definedness of recursion free programs. The logic is then shown to be as strong as the evaluator, and this implies that the evaluator is compatible with the provable equivalence between different set (or bag, or list) expressions. Oftentimes, the same non-free datatype may have different presentations, and it is not clear a priori whether programming and reasoning with the two presentations are equivalent. We formulate these questions, precisely, in the context of alternative presentations of the list, bag, and set datatypes and study some aspects of these questions. In particular, we establish back-and-forth translations between the two presentations, from which it follows that they are equally expressive, and prove results relating proofs of program properties, in the two presentations.
  • Publication
    Database Programming in Machiavelli - A Polymorphic Language With Static Type Inference
    (1988-12-01) Ohori, Atsushi; Buneman, Peter; Tannen, Val
    Machiavelli is a polymorphically typed programming language in the spirit of ML, but supports a different type inferencing that makes its polymorphism somewhat more general than that of ML and appropriate for database applications. In particular, a function that selects a field f of a records is polymorphic in the sense that it can be applied to any record which contains a field f with the appropriate type. When combined with a set data type and database operations including join and projection, this provides a natural medium for relational database programming. Moreover, by implementing database objects as reference types and generating the appropriate views - sets of structures with "identity" - we can achieve a degree of static type checking for object-oriented databases.
  • Publication
    A PC Chase
    (1998) Popa, Lucian; Tannen, Val
    PC stands for path-conjunctive, the name of a class of queries and dependencies that we define over complex values with dictionaries. This class includes the relational conjunctive queries and embedded dependencies, as well as many interesting examples of complex value and oodb queries and integrity constraints. We show that some important classical results on containment, dependency implication, and chasing extend and generalize to this class.