Carter, Louis H

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  • Publication
    The Black Instructor: An Essential Dimension to the Content and Structure of the Social Work Curriculum
    (1978) Carter, Louis H
    How can the use of minority faculty be more than visual tokenism for both minority and nonminority students? Is there a role for minority faculty in developing curriculum and in faculty development? In answer to these questions, this paper describes the use one faculty member has made to his Blackness as an essential dimension to the content and structure of the social work curriculum, and its impact on students' professional development. The attitudinal aspects of racism are explored in the context of the relationship of students and the Black instructor, resulting in the conceptualization of racism as a practice issue.
  • Publication
    Black Faculty in Predominantly White Schools of Social Work: A Qualitative Assessment
    (1983) Davis, Larry; Freeman, Phyllis; Carter, Louis H; Cartwright, Ramón
    The researchers conducted a national survey of Black faculty members at predominantly white schools of social work. Two basic questions guided the search effort: (1) What are the principal roles and responsibilities of Black faculty? and (2) To what extent do Black faculty members perceive themselves as receiving sufficient professional satisfaction, respect, and support? Analysis of questionnaire responses indicated significant differences in the responses among Black faculty based on factors such as sex, academic rank, and tenure.
  • Publication
    A Qualitative Look at Black Female Social Work Educators
    (1982-03-01) Davis, Larry; Cartwright, Ramón; Freeman, Phyllis; Carter, Louis H
    This article reports the finding of a research effort which attempted to assess the qualitative experience of black female faculty in schools of social work. The data reported is part of a larger data set collected on social work faculty as a whole. The authors report some basic demographics on black females, but focus mainly on the roles that these women perform in schools of social work and how satisfied they are in these positions. It appears that significant numbers of black female faculty members are on "soft money" with fewer teaching Social Policy and Administration courses than might be expected. As a group these females are less satisfied with their academic positions than are their black male counterparts. However, when "degree held" is controlled for, it is black females without the doctorate who are significantly less satisfied than men. No such relationship was found to exist for males. Finally, the authors attempted, via a regression model, to assess which group of relevant others, faculty, administrators or students, as a function of their interactions, contributed most significantly to the satisfaction levels of black female faculty. Results from these analyses suggest that with respect to intespersonal interactions, white faculty have the greatest affect on the reported job satisfaction levels of black females.
  • Publication
    How Do Black Graduate Social Work Students Benefit From a Course on Institutional Racism?
    (1978-10-01) Carter, Louis H
    A course on American Racism might be though to benefit mainly white students. This paper demonstrates how Black social work students in their own idiosyncratic way derive special benefit from such a course. Black students in search of a professional identity bring with them personal life experiences of oppression and social alienation. They make an important connection with the use of the immediate present as an effective means to counteract attitudinal/institutional white racism. Learning that the past cannot change, but that feelings about the past can, is liberating and has significance for their developing professional identity.