Fischmeister, Sebastian
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Publication Generating Reliable Code from Hybrid-Systems Models(2010-09-01) Fischmeister, Sebastian; Anand, Madhukar; Hur, Yerang; Lee, Insup; Kim, JesungHybrid systems have emerged as an appropriate formalism to model embedded systems as they capture the theme of continuous dynamics with discrete control. Under this paradigm, distributed embedded systems can be modeled as a network of communicating hybrid automata. Several techniques for code generation from these models have also been proposed and commercially implemented. Providing formal guarantees of the generated code with respect to the model, however, has turned out to be a hard problem. While the model is set in continuous time with concurrent execution and instantaneous switching, the code running on an inherently discrete platform, can be affected by the sampling interval, round-off errors, and communication delays between the sensor, controller, and actuators. Consequently, semantic differences between the model and its code can arise with potentially different system behavior. This paper proposes a criterion for faithful implementation of the hybrid-systems model with a focus on its switching semantics. We discuss different techniques to ensure a faithful implementation of the model, and test the feasibility of our concepts by implementing a model heater system. In this heater case study, we successfully eliminate all fault transitions and, thereby, generate code with correct behavior complying with the specification.Publication Model-Based Programming of Modular Robots(2010-05-01) Arney, David; Fischmeister, Sebastian; Lee, Insup; Takashima, Yoshihito; Yim, MarkModular robots are a powerful concept for robotics. A modular robot consists of many individual modules so it can adjust its configuration to the problem. However, the fact that a modular robot consists of many individual modules makes it a highly distributed, highly concurrent real-time system, which are notoriously hard to program. In this work, we present our programming framework for writing control applications for modular robots. The framework includes a toolset that allows a model-based programing approach for control application of modular robots with code generation and verification. The framework is characterized by the following three features. First, it provides a complex programming model that is based on standard finite state machines extended in syntax and semantics to support communication, variables, and actions. Second, the framework provides compositionality at the hardware and at the software level and allows building the modular robot and its control application from small building blocks. And third, the framework supports formal verification of the control application to aid the gait and task developer in identifying problems and bugs before the deployment and testing on the physical robot.Publication Resource Scopes: Toward Language Support for Compositional Determinism(2009-03-17) Anand, Madhukar; Fischmeister, Sebastian; Lee, InsupComplex real-time embedded systems should be compositional and deterministic in the resource, time, and value domains. Determinism eases the engineering of correct systems and compositionality simplifies the assembly of complex systems out of smaller modules. This paper describes the PEACOD framework that is developed to support deterministic behavior for resource consumption, value passing, and timing. The paper introduces the notions of determinism in the context of the resource, value, and temporal domains, and present the resource-scope language construct that can be used to program such deterministic behaviors. Furthermore, the paper also provides semantics for the resource scope construct and uses these semantics to show that the program behavior is preserved under composition. The paper briefly describes the current implementation of PEACOD.