Zdancewic, Stephan A

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  • Publication
    Concise Concrete Syntax
    (2008-04-09) Tse, Stephen; Zdancewic, Stephan A
    We introduce a notion of ordered context-free grammars (OCFGs) with datatype tags to concisely specify grammars of programming languages. Our work is an extension of syntax definition formalism (SDF) and concrete datatypes that automate scanning, parsing, and syntax tree construction. But OCFGs also capture associativity and precedence at the level of production rules instead of lexical tokens such that a concrete syntax grammar is succinct enough be an abstract syntax definition. By expanding and re-indexing grammar symbols, OCFGs can be translated to grammars for standard lex and yacc such that existing and efficient parsing infrastructures can be reused. We have implemented a Java 5 compiler frontend with OCFGs. The complete grammar for such a realistic language fits comfortably in two pages of this paper, showing the practicality of our formalism.
  • Publication
    AURA: Preliminary Technical Results
    (2008-04-17) Jia, Limin; Vaughan, Jeffrey A; Mazurak, Karl; Zhao, Jianzhou; Zarko, Luke; Schorr, Joseph; Zdancewic, Stephan A
    This paper presents AURA, a programming language for access control that treats ordinary programming constructs (e.g., integers and recursive functions) and authorization logic constructs (e.g., principals and access control policies) in a uniform way. AURA is based on polymorphic DCC and uses dependent types to permit assertions that refer directly to AURA values while keeping computation out of the assertion level to ensure tractability. The main technical results of this paper include fully mechanically verified proofs of the decidability and soundness for AURA's type system, and a prototype typechecker and interpreter.
  • Publication
    Preserving Secrecy Under Refinement
    (2006-06-29) Alur, Rajeev; Zdancewic, Stephan A; Cerný, Pavol
    We propose a general framework of secrecy and preservation of secrecy for labeled transition systems. Our definition of secrecy is parameterized by the distinguishing power of the observer, the properties to be kept secret, and the executions of interest, and captures a multitude of definitions in the literature. We define a notion of secrecy preserving refinement between systems by strengthening the classical trace-based refinement so that the implementation leaks a secret only when the specification also leaks it. We show that secrecy is in general not definable in µ-calculus, and thus not expressible in specification logics supported by standard model-checkers. However, we develop a simulation-based proof technique for establishing secrecy preserving refinement. This result shows how existing refinement checkers can be used to show correctness of an implementation with respect to a specification.
  • Publication
    Encoding Information Flow in AURA, Technical Appendix
    (2009-06-01) Jia, Limin; Zdancewic, Stephan A
    Two of the main ways to protect security-sensitive resources in computer systems are to enforce access-control policies and information-flow policies. In this paper, we show how to enforce information-flow policies in AURA, which is a programming language for access control. When augmented with this mechanism for enforcing information-flow polices, AURA can further improve the security of reference monitors that implement access control. We show how to encode security types and lattices of security labels using AURA’s existing constructs for authorization logic. We prove a noninterference theorem for this encoding. We also investigate how to use expressive access control policies specified in authorization logic as the policies for information declassification.
  • Publication
    SoftBound: Highly Compatible and Complete Spatial Memory Safety for C
    (2009-01-01) Nagarakatte, Santosh; Martin, Milo; Zhao, Jianzhou; Zdancewic, Stephan A
    The serious bugs and security vulnerabilities facilitated by C/C++’s lack of bounds checking are well known. Yet, C and C++ remain in widespread use. Unfortunately, C’s arbitrary pointer arithmetic, conflation of pointers and arrays, and programmer-visible memory layout make retrofitting C/C++ with spatial safety guarantees extremely challenging. Existing approaches suffer from incompleteness, have high runtime overhead, or require non-trivial changes to the C source code. Thus far, these deficiencies have prevented widespread adoption of such techniques. This paper proposes SoftBound, a compile time transformation for enforcing complete spatial safety of C. SoftBound records base and bound information for every pointer as disjoint metadata. This decoupling enables SoftBound to provide complete spatial safety while requiring no changes to C source code. Moreover, SoftBound performs metadata manipulation only when loading or storing pointer values. A formal proof shows this is sufficient to provide complete spatial safety even in the presence of wild casts. SoftBound’s full checking mode provides complete spatial violation detection. To further reduce overheads, SoftBound has a store-only checking mode that successfully detects all the security vulnerabilities in a test suite while adding 15% or less overhead to half of the benchmarks.
  • Publication
    Core Ironclad
    (2013-01-01) Osera, Peter-Michael; Eisenberg, Richard A.; DeLozier, Christian; Nagarakatte, Santosh; Martin, Milo; Zdancewic, Stephan A
    Core Ironclad is a core calculus that models the salient features of Ironclad C++, a library-augmented type-safe subset of C++. We give an overview of the language including its definition and key design points. We then prove type safety for the language and use that result to show that the pointer lifetime invariant, a key property of Ironclad C++, holds within the system.
  • Publication
    Practical Information-flow Control in Web-based Information Systems
    (2005-06-20) Li, Peng; Zdancewic, Stephan A.
    This paper presents a practical application of language-based information-flow control, namely, a domain-specific web scripting language designed for interfacing with databases. The primary goal is to provide strong enforcement of confidentiality and integrity policies: confidential data can be released only in permitted ways and trustworthy data must result from expected computations or conform to expected patterns. Such security policies are specified in the database layer and statically enforced for the rest of the system in an end-to-end fashion. In contrast with existing web-scripting languages, which provide only ad hoc mechanisms for information security, the scripting language described here uses principles based on the well-studied techniques in information-flow type systems. However, because web scripts often need to downgrade confidential data and manipulated untrusted user input, they require practical and convenient ways of downgrading secure data. To achieve this goal, the language allows safe downgrading according to downgrading policies specified by the programmer. This novel, pattern-based approach provides a practical instance of recent work on delimited release and relaxed noninterference and extends that work by accounting for integrity policies.
  • Publication
    Strong and Weak Policy Relations
    (2009-07-20) May, Michael J; Gunter, Carl A; Lee, Insup; Zdancewic, Steve
    Access control and privacy policy relations tend to focus on decision outcomes and are very sensitive to defined terms and state. Small changes or updates to a policy language or vocabulary may make two similar policies incomparable. To address this we develop two flexible policy relations derived from bisimulation in process calculi. Strong licensing compares the outcome of two policies strictly, similar to strong bisimulation. Weak licensing compares the outcome of policies more flexibly by ignoring irrelevant (non-conflicting) differences between outcomes, similar to weak bisimulation. We illustrate the relations using examples from P3P.
  • Publication
    Unifying Confidentiality and Integrity in Downgrading Policies
    (2005-05-13) Zdancewic, Stephan A; Li, Peng
    Confidentiality and integrity are often treated as dual properties in formal models of information-flow control, access control and many other areas in computer security. However, in contrast to confidentiality policies, integrity policies are less formally studied in the information-flow control literature. One important reason is that traditional noninterference-based information-flow control approaches give very weak integrity guarantees for untrusted code. Integrity and confidentiality policies are also different with respect to implicit information channels. This paper studies integrity downgrading policies in information-flow control and compares them with their confidentiality counterparts. We examine the drawbacks of integrity policies based on noninterference formalizations and study the integrity policies in the framework of downgrading policies and program equivalences. We give semantic interpretations for traditional security levels for integrity, namely, tainted and untainted, and explain the interesting relations between confidentiality and integrity in this framework.
  • Publication
    A Design for a Security-typed Language with Certificate-based Declassification
    (2005-04-01) Tse, Stephen; Zdancewic, Stephan A
    This paper presents a calculus that supports information-flow security policies and certificate-based declassification. The decentralized label model and its downgrading mechanisms are concisely expressed in the polymorphic lambda calculus with subtyping (System F≾). We prove a conditioned version of the noninterference theorem such that authorization for declassification is justified by digital certificates from public-key infrastructures.