Britton, Kathryn H
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Bringing Positive Psychology to the Footlights After-School Center
2006-05-01, Atterstam, Thomas, Britton, Kathryn H, Judge, Emma, Ufberg, Miriam
This paper is the report on a service learning project conducted by four students in 2006 as part of the Masters of Applied Positive Psychology program at the University of Pennsylvania. The paper describes a proposal for applying positive psychology at Footlights – a performing arts after-school center for underprivileged teenagers in Hartford, CT. The paper describes Footlights, including daily operations, instructors and participating teenagers. It then outlines a proposed application plan for introducing and using positive psychology at the center. It concludes with an overview of the relevant empirical research that constitutes the basis for the proposed application plan. Appendices give the plan in more detail and describe a particular exercise included in the plan.
Character Strengths and Type: Exploration of Covariation
2006-07-01, Britton, Kathryn H, Choong, Sulynn
Ninety-eight adult volunteers participated in this exploratory study of potential links between psychological type as determined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and signature strengths as identified by the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths. We examined participants’ types and signature strengths to test for covariation between specific signature strengths and individual type dichotomies or paired type combinations. We found significant covariations between 10 character strengths with single type dimensions namely, creativity (intuition), open-mindedness (thinking), love of learning (introversion), integrity (sensing and thinking), persistence (judging), vitality (extraversion), love (extraversion and feeling), fairness (sensing), and gratitude (extraversion). Love, integrity, and gratitude also covaried with multiple paired type combinations while curiosity covaried only with one paired type combination (introverted intuition).