Zhang, Ge

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  • Publication
    Interplay of rearrangements, strain, and local structure during avalanche propagation
    (2021-01-01) Zhang, Ge; Ridout, Sean; Liu, Andrea J
    Jammed soft disks exhibit avalanches of particle rearrangements under quasistatic shear. We introduce a framework for understanding the statistics of the progression of avalanches. We follow the avalanches (simulated using steepest descent energy minimization) to decompose them into individual localized rearrangements. We characterize the local structural environment of each particle by a machine-learned quantity, softness, designed to be highly correlated with rearrangements, and analyze the interplay between softness, rearrangements and strain. Local yield strain has long been incorporated into elastoplastic models; here we show that softness provides a useful proxy for local yield strain. Our findings demonstrate that elastoplastic models must take into account the fully tensorial strain field in order to include the effects of changes in local yield strain due to rearrangements, and introduce the equations underpinning a structuro-elastoplastic model that includes local softness.