Strain, Robert M

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  • Publication
    Battle from the Bottom: The Role of Indigenous AIDS NGOs in Botswana
    (2008-04-04) Strain, Robert M
    This study attempts to explain why a relatively resource-rich country like Botswana has struggled to combat its HIV-prevalence when other countries with far fewer advantages have succeeded. In comparing Botswana to its most stark counterexample, Uganda, one can see that it has more favorable health expenditures, per capita GDP, population size, political stability and international attention. Yet, while the AIDS statistics in Botswana have remained mostly stagnant, Uganda has witnessed a drastic reduction in its prevalence. It is this puzzle that lies at the heart of the study. Ultimately, the paper concludes that one explanation for the discrepancy is Botswana’s lack of a vibrant local NGO sector and seeks to explore what comparative advantages these organizations have in the fight against AIDS.