Marvin, Carolyn

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  • Publication
  • Publication
    Telecommunications Policy and the Pleasure Principle
    (1983-03-01) Marvin, Carolyn
    Most serious discussion of telecommunications policy is governed by a utilitarian framework in which the success of communications networks is measured by some criterion of productivity. This exclusive emphasis creates undesirable rigidities in large communications systems upon which industrialized societies are so dependent. An analysis of productivity constraints on the social flexibility of existing networks is offered in support of an argument for deliberately building playfulness, In line with certain modest proposals, into the organization of emerging networks of communication.
  • Publication
    Avery Brundage and American Participation in the 1936 Olympic Games
    (1982-04-01) Marvin, Carolyn
    Avery Brundage liked to say that revolutionaries were not bred on the playing field. That theme neatly expressed Brundage's distrust of any challenge to the established political and social order he cherished and garnished his speeches to countless audiences during the forty years in which he was the single most powerful figure in both the American and international Olympic movements, first as president of the American Olympic Committee (1929-53), and then as president of the International Olympic Committee (1952-72). Although the Iron Chancellor of amateur sport regarded himself as the last true defender of the strict separation of sport and politics, he also frequently insisted that more than the future of amateur sport was at stake in shielding sport from political manipulation. Upon sport for sport's sake depended the healthy psychological valuation of individual effort and excellence that was at the very heart of a democratic way of life. Moreover, fit bodies and competitive spirits were in Brundage's view essential for the continued success of American capitalism at home and abroad. Though he never acknowledged the political coloring of his vision of the Olympics, he regarded them as a kind of international mission for spreading democratic values in the continuing ideological battle between Communism and the American way of life.
  • Publication
    A New Scholarly Dispensation for Civil Religion
    (2002-01-01) Marvin, Carolyn
    Rod Hart's rhetorical notion of civic piety is hard pressed to explain what makes U.S. civil religion so compelling that citizen believers will offer their lives to it on a well-defined ritual occasions. I propose that U.S. patriotism is a full-blown religion defined, like all religions, by a transcendent god of principle with the authority to deal life and death to its own believers. The nation as the transcendent god principle that demands the sacrificial offering of believers' lives s the basis of patriotism. It follows that patriotic rhetoric alone without citizen obligation and commitment to the act of bodily sacrifice would be indistinguishable from advertising. I discuss the relationship of civil religion to antecedent religious traditions and, what seems at first glance to be an anomaly, why the sacred status of U.S. nationalism is regularly concealed or denied in official and unofficial rhetoric.
  • Publication
    Trooping the Colors on TV
    (1991) Marvin, Carolyn
  • Publication
    Revised Revisionism
    (1987) Marvin, Carolyn
  • Publication
    Fables for the Information Age: The Fisherman's Wishes
    (1982-09-01) Marvin, Carolyn
    The computer revolution is less a revolution in the usual sense of the word than the announcement of a glamorous marriage between two powerful promises in the history of the modern West, the Enlightenment, the impulse to encompass the entire world in a rational system of knowledge, and the Industrial Revolution, the fruit of an ancient impulse to reduce the demands of nature to insignificance. By now we know that some of the fondest legacies of the Enlightenment, such as the belief that the world is fully knowable and that nothing more than rational knowledge is necessary to make us free, are ambiguous ones, but it is still difficult for us to admit that the vision of the Industrial Revolution was naive. In many ways we still believe that utopia is available to everyone who has the right equipment.
  • Publication
    Portrayals of Violence and Group Difference in Newspaper Photographs: Nationalism and Media
    (2003-03-01) Marvin, Carolyn; Fishman, Jessica M
    The authors analyzed group membership of violent agents and types of violence in front-page photographs from 21 years of The New York Times. Using a trimodal definition of media violence, they confirmed the hypothesis that non-U.S. agents are represented as more explicitly violent than U.S. agents, and that the latter are associated with disguised modes of violence more often than the former. The recurring image of non-U.S. violence is that of order brutally ruptured or enforced. By contrast, images of U.S. violence are less alarming and suggest order without cruelty. The study showed how violent imagery is associated with in-group and out-group status stratification.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    On Violence in Media: A Review Essay
    (2000-01-01) Marvin, Carolyn