Richardson, Lisa R

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  • Publication
    Measuring Positive Psychology Constructs to Determine the Effect of a Well-being Intervention at GateWay Community College
    (2020-04-06) Richardson, Lisa R; Rivera-Santos, Odilia; Drulla-Rossi, Adriana; Trif, Diane
    In partnership with GateWay Community College (GWCC), the following service-learning project outlines an application plan to implement validated measures of positive psychology constructs through GWCC’s Strategies for College Success (CPD150) course. Supported by a situation analysis and literature review, constructs of Hope, Grit and Career Decision Self-Efficacy were identified as key constructs to be measured in alignment with the course curriculum and research demonstrating a positive correlation to student achievement and well-being outcomes. The application plan describes the identified measures for each construct, resources to support implementation within CPD150, and recommendations for additional measures and limitations.
  • Publication
    Peloton as a Facilitator of Hope: Pathways to Initiate and Sustain Behaviors that Enhance Well-being
    (2020-08-01) Richardson, Lisa R
    Many individuals wish to change, but struggle to act. The field of positive psychology has advanced the study of well-being, identifying interventions and measurements to enhance the experience of positive emotion and human flourishing. However, identifying pathways to initiate and sustain engagement with these resources remains a critical need for individuals and communities to implement the science of well-being effectively. The following exploratory study examines the user experience of Peloton, an at-home exercise bike that live streams class content, as an opportunity to identify the pathways that initiate and sustain engagement in positive behavior change. A self-report survey of 104 Peloton users is analyzed using Grounded Theory along with a literature review of positive psychology, and performance psychology. Through the analysis, the PERMA well-being framework (Seligman, 2011) and hope (Snyder, 1994) emerge as key theories to facilitate pathways to initiate and sustain users in activity that enhances well-being. A framework and discussion for future directions is proposed emphasizing convenience and pathways of synchronous and asynchronous agency and connection.