Carrillo, Emily

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  • Publication
    Association of Clinical Timing with Self-Efficacy Among Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists
    (2021-05-01) Le Dang, Diana; Vacca, Kevin; Carrillo, Emily
    Objectives: To uncover new findings on how best to implement education and training among students in nurse anesthesia programs. Design and Methods: The target participants are nurse anesthesia students currently enrolled in an accredited Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program that met inclusion criteria. An online survey was distributed to measure self-efficacy using the 10-item Likert-style Schwarzer & Jerusalem General Self-Efficacy Scale. Participants were recruited from a convenience sample of 72 Council of Accreditation (COA) accredited nurse anesthesia programs. Contact was made with program leadership to obtain permission and facilitate the dissemination of the surveys. Inclusion criteria: enrolled in accredited DNP program, integrative or non-integrative curriculum as defined by the study and expected graduation date within 12 months. Sample size, n=847 senior nurse anesthesia students. Independent variable: curriculum structure (integrative or non-integrative). Dependent variable: composite score on General Self-Efficacy Scale, ranging from 10-40. Primary Results: Mean composite scores on the GSE survey were (33.37 ± 3.23) and (33.91 ± 3.52) for integrative and non-integrative programs, respectively. The mean composite score for participants in a non-integrative curriculum was 0.54 (95% CI, -1.69 to 0.60) higher than mean composite score for participants in an integrative curriculum. The independent samples t-test concludes that there was not a statistically significant difference in the mean composite scores between participants in an integrative and non-integrative curriculum t (138) = -0.940, p = 0.35, d= 3.40. Principle Conclusions: There is no statistically significant difference between the reported self-efficacy scores among students in both integrative and non-integrative curriculum.