Puapattanakajorn, Nichanun

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  • Publication
    Investigating Host Countries’ Refugee-Related Policies and Its Effect on Lived Experiences of Rohingya Refugees
    (2022-04-20) Puapattanakajorn, Nichanun
    Rohingya refugees are one of the most discriminated against and vulnerable populations in the world. As a consequence of being persecuted in their homeland by the Myanmar government, many Rohingya have fled their homes to seek refuge in neighboring countries. However, the acceptance of Rohingya refugees has varied in different locations, resulting in the subpar treatment of the refugees. This paper explores how the host state government’s policy and stance on migrants and migrant protection within a country influences the level of violence faced by Rohingya refugees residing in their country. The host states chosen for the study include Bangladesh, Malaysia, and India. The two main types of violence Rohingya refugees face residing in the host states include: (1) state-inflicted violence such as through detention centers and police harassment; and (2) policies, or the lack thereof, that facilitate the occurrence of violence such as human trafficking and inhumane living conditions. The paper exposes how the international community and host countries’ soft stance towards supporting Rohingya refugees and lack of harsh condemnation towards Myanmar has shaped the violent experiences of Rohingya refugees.