Heiney, Paul A.

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 44
  • Publication
    2.6 - The Multi-Angle X-ray Scattering Facility at the University of Pennsylvania
    (2016-07-19) Heiney, Paul A.
    A detailed description of the MAXS facility at Penn: rotating anode generator, confocal optics and pinholes, area detector, computer automation. Time 4:31.
  • Publication
    1.4 - Crystal Structure
    (2016-03-29) Heiney, Paul A.
    The relationship between macroscopic shape and atomic-level structure of crystals. Lattice types, space groups, basis. Time 5:51.
  • Publication
    4.4 - Hexagonal Columnar Arrays
    (2016-08-02) Heiney, Paul A.
    Scattering from columnar liquid crystals and hexagonal copolymers. Hexagonal lattice and reciprocal lattice. Dendritic liquid crystals. Example of electron density reconstruction using Bessel functions. Time 5:24.
  • Publication
    7.2 - Electron Diffraction
    (2016-08-25) Heiney, Paul A.
    Wave nature of the electron. The transmission electron microscope. Comparison of electrons, X-rays for diffraction. Low energy electron diffraction (LEED). Time 5:19.
  • Publication
    2.4 - Collimation Optics
    (2016-04-20) Heiney, Paul A.
    Approaches to producing collimated, monochromatic beams: pinholes, slits, monochromators, filters, mirrors, confocal optics. Goniometers for orienting samples. Time 7:42.
  • Publication
    2.3 - Synchrotron Radiation Sources
    (2016-04-20) Heiney, Paul A.
    General description of facilities for producing synchrotron radiation. The Advance Photon Source. Wigglers and undulators. Synchrotron sources in the U.S. and worldwide. Time 5:23.
  • Publication
    3.8 - Limitations to X-ray Crystallography
    (2016-07-25) Heiney, Paul A.
    Limitations of crystallography due to: powder samples, finite angular range, the phase problem. Common solutions to these problems. Time 7:02.
  • Publication
    7.3 - Introduction to Neutron Scattering
    (2016-08-25) Heiney, Paul A.
    Wave nature of the neutron. Comparison of neutrons, X-rays for diffraction. Neutron scattering cross sections. Coherent and incoherent scattering. Time 6:00.
  • Publication
    2.2 - Synchrotron Radiation
    (2016-04-14) Heiney, Paul A.
    Synchrotron radiation produced by accelerating charge in a magnetic field. Spectrum and beam shape of synchrotron radiation. Critical comparison of tube and synchrotron sources. Time 6:36.
  • Publication
    2.5 - X-ray Detectors
    (2016-04-20) Heiney, Paul A.
    Scintillation detectors. Area detectors: wire, image plate, CCD, solid state. Time 6:24.