Toccafondi, David

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Research Projects
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Faculty Member
David manages the Vitale Digital Media Lab, including the equipment loan program and the lab staff, and consults with students, faculty, and staff on their technology needs. He coordinates the Seltzer Family Digital Media Awards program, which fosters innovative use of technology in undergraduate research. He teaches workshops on a variety of software. He also coordinates the library’s instance of Kaltura and is responsible for managing the forthcoming Hechtman Recording Studio. He enjoys long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners for two.
Research Interests

Search Results

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  • Publication
    Tour of the Collaborative Classroom and the Hechtman Recording Studio
    (2016-06-09) Barrett, Catrice; Toccafondi, David
    Learn how the new Collaborative Classroom in Van Pelt Library is being used to enhance education and student engagement. Then get a tour of the recently completed, state of the art Hechtman Recording Studio in Van Pelt Library.